First post sorry for the length but I wanted to jump in.
Buddy Nix’s response is exactly what Billy Bean faced when he first introduced money ball. Scouts would go by feel or he looks like a ball player. What his approach did was identify players who don’t look the typical part who had potential because they would be overlooked. How he applied it was to be economical because he would not have to pay the same price for a player overlook and often times was statistically better than going by feel. In baseball the metrics are easy to apply because ever pitch, hit ,fielding play, at bat are charted routinely. In football it would be harder because there are more intricacies in each play but trends most certainly could be developed and understood.
I agree you cannot pick a player based on these analytics alone. If you take the Patriots as you example, they have been using these metrics to help for several years. Does it seem year after year they produce better than other teams? Granted on the offensive side of the ball Brady can make anyone look good. San Franciso has adopted analytics to assist and they have turned their franchise around as well. Certainly Harbaugh helps so we cannot give the analytic or him all the credit.
What is interesting to me, the most is how we can use this in ferreting out our next quarterback, both by the draft and FA. What is best about Brady, Maning etc is their ability to perform under pressure. We need to find a quarterback who gets yards when you need them most with minimal mistakes. Not in games trailing by large margins, or blowouts. It’s the close games that separate the best.
Before the Brandon promotion I was thinking we need to analyze the quarterbacks in some way to determine who has these qualities. I was perusing the net and came across this article and it seems interesting to me.
Predicting the Unpredictable…Projecting a College QB to the NFL with a Mathematical Formula Vers 3.0
NFL Draft "Moneyball" for College Quarterbacks
We all want change, we want forward thinking and are we going to rely on Buddy, Whaley’s or the new coaches gut to pick our next Quarterback. We cannot afford to miss again.
After Ferguson we had names like Dufek, Ferragamo, Marangi before Kelly came along.
We have had a similar unimpressive list since Flute and Bledsoe.
Think outside the box and realize this may be a good thing to be analytical.