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Posts posted by since79

  1. If the message on the kick did not get delivered, it’s a failure regardless of which was chosen.  It puts the minds on the sideline like WTF happened instead of on their job at had.  Everything is altered after because of doubt.  Human nature kicks in.  


    Everything that happens influences events later.  Jones Penalty running out of bounds forcing a re-kick and big return puts you on your heels on all coverage teams later.   Hills TD forces deeper zone on last few plays of regulation because fear of short pass going to the house.  


    Fear and doubt alter judgement.  

  2. Side note on special teams.  Earlier in the game, we have our best punt of the game to pin them back.  On top of it the get a block in the back trying to spring Hill.  Our specialty gunner, on team for this purposes, runs of the field while covering kick.  Off setting penalties, re-kick, Hill huge return which altered our decision process for later in the game.

    Jones should never take that penalty, this is his sole job on the team......

  3. 3 minutes ago, Norcalbillsfan said:

    I dont understand miscommunication on a kickoff... there's absolutely no rush on a kickoff. McD is literally on the side lines, you walk over to bass, " Hey squib kick" or " put it out the back of the endzone, don't want a return " and the flustered thing is garbage. Frazier wants a hc job and he calls prevent D when the chiefs haven't hit you deep the entire night but been gashing you with underneath yac? He did that cuz hes flustered? No he made a decision in crunch time that cost the team.

    Special teams coaches often are over emotional, not sure here but I could see one of these hyped up people not being present in the moment. Inexcusable as it is.


    I think they had 10 or more plays of over 20 yards, all of them either runs to the second level or a short pass extended by our deep zone coverage.  On the tying drive they just did what they had been doing the whole game.

  4. 9 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    Ed was the only guy on defense who made plays last night. Is some of that on coaching? Yep. Sometimes though you need your guys to step up and make a play. 

    We were getting pressure, Addison on the first drive got pushed up the field beyond his drop and was circling back as Mahomes escaped on three runs.  He and Jerry like to speed rush and often lose contain. Its a problem you would see during the year and in a game like this contain should be on their minds.  Oliver would have gotten there if we containment was there.

  5. 50 minutes ago, Behindenemylines said:

    I would bet good money he had this to a large degree planned out over many days if not weeks to elicit the best response for some upcoming “gig” or venture where he can get his attention.  Just wait for the next big thing by AB



    Nailed it....     Music single release.  




  6. 37 minutes ago, bigK14094 said:

    Before the Bills field house was built, the team practiced outside in the weather.   That was when the Bills had a cold weather advantage.  I doubt they are "out" very much at all except the kickers who go out to learn to play the winds.  The coaches argument will be that they need the field house to teach all the intricacies of the modern game. So, the bills loose some of the former advantage of being hardened to the conditions.  Maybe the Bills should turn off the heat in the field house......

    After The NE it sickened me to to listen Belichick address the team.  He said this is why we practice in this stuff.  Leading up to the game you prepare for what is expected.  Plan for everything.  I am curious if we practiced outside that week like the Pats.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 53 minutes ago, DCbillsfan said:

    Despite all of their oline woes, Bates doesn't get on the field.  Whether it's the emergency oline fill in due to injury thing or is it even possible he's worse than Ford.  Dunno

    Bates is the back up center now, With Mongo healthy they may try Bates at guard but not now.  With Morse with concussion history if bates got injured playing guard we would be down to the long snapper.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 3 hours ago, GoBills808 said:

    Can you clarify the defensive timeout statement?


    Are you saying the other team often converts after McDermott's defensive timeout, and then in your next sentence ask someone to look up whether teams often convert after McDermott's defensive timeouts?

    In this game the circumstance was Jax 3rd and 7 with 1:51 on clock. We call a time out, and Jax converts a 28yrd prayer for a first down. 


    My question was, to get a success stat would be enlightening. It seems that this may backfire equally as  much as it is successful.  I guess I will have to go through game logs to quantify.  Just figured others may have already thought of this or may have easier access. 


    Thanks for asking.


    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 1 minute ago, ScottLaw said:

    He’s too defensive centric…. Everything about this team is….. The investment in the defensive line is just ridiculous…. Not enough to help the offense. 

    That’s part of my point. Has no problem calling defensive timeouts. Yet tentative with an offensive challenge. 

    • Agree 1
  10. On a clear challenge in the first half, he holds the flag and calls a time out. Maybe to give his guys a look or hopes the Refs take another look. After the time out, no challenge.  If your wasting a time out there throw the flag.You lose, you lose a time out, same outcome.


    Later on D we take a time out and the announcers are shocked. Gave the refs a chance to look at a judgment call.  


    Get the ball back with little time in the half. Boy could we have used the time outs.


    He has no problem calling defensive timeouts.  Very predictable that he will do it and may times the other team converts as a result. 


    If someone can look into this i would like to know our success rate in stopping a team after a defensive time out. 

    • Agree 2
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  11. I would like to throw another wrinkle into this discussion.  It has been said that, Dabol installed a new game plan on Saturday. That may have had an impact on the timing of plays and the execution.  I would like to use this analogy and I don't know how many hours per day they spend on the field and in meeting rooms.  For the sake of the discussion lets put it at 5.  If you were taking geometry, the teacher spent 20hrs teaching you a certain way to do the algorithm.  You then have a one hour review class before the big test.  The teacher walks in and says forget everything I taught you, I want you to use this algorithm.   Some students could handle this no problem, some in the room will fail.  The problem is the failing students have a direct impact on everyone's score.  The best students needs the failing one to pass, to be at their best.  Do you think after our struggles in week one, it was a good idea to teach for a week then change everything just before the test. Probably not.   


    These guys are professional and should handle the changes. It may be easier to do this later in the season when everyone is firing together. Smaller adjustments may be handle more easily but a game plan revision might be too much to chew off now..


    Dabol is the teacher where it come easy for him.  The one who thinks he can teach anyone everything.  Because it come so easy for him, they have a hard time understanding others may not pick it up easily. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Fan in Chicago said:

    I have said in other threads responding to people saying (cringe) "calm down". 

    This is the fourth game in a row which our O has been limited. Only improvement since playoffs was in the D. 

    This is not just one game. Its the fourth. In. A row. That's a fact. 

    Why again should we be calm besides your expectations which are only projections? It's entirely okay to be a bit nervous until we prove that the O will come up to 2020 regular season form. 

    I am nervous as well.  But realize those four in a row were against playoff teams.  Those games should be tighter, they are the best in the conference.  2 and 2 in those games.  We need to get better, we need to show better half time adjustments and win when you get the lead.  It's not time to panic but certainly take a close watch moving forward.



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  13. 20 minutes ago, Billzgobowlin said:

    I would say preseason would have given both offenses more rhythm.  Pittsburgh picked it up the second half, we did not.

    I think this is a lack of adjustment thing.  They were getting pressure with 4 and we had 3 holdings on one drive.  Continuous empty backfields, no tight end in tight to chip if needed. The LBs cold just fill their zones and sit and wait.  Allen had to then wait on pattern development allowing even more pressure to get to him.  


    I mentioned in another post that the D line rotation may not allow players to get into a groove and feel for the game.  Individual players seeing their own needed adjustments do not materialize because they are not in long enough to see the need or make a change.  Play your best Players more. Substitute one, max two per series but don't blow up the line and and make hockey line changes replacing everyone.

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