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Posts posted by since79

  1. I believe I heard he desperately wants to break Shula’s record. He despises him base on a comment Shula made about him. He had to figure he was not going to do it in NE.  He needs to string together multiple 10 win seasons.  He will need a team with a established QB.  He will not have enough time to build one up.  

  2. 14 minutes ago, Einstein said:

    That article completely changed my view of McDermott... for the better!

    The way the team rallied around McD... the way players shouted "we got your back coach" in the locker room after that story came out... told me everything I needed to know. 


    I agree.  I in no way thought he was 100% flawed.  This negative press certainly solidified the team.

  3. I mentioned this in another thread. Although I agreed with some of his critique, the team had the coach’s back and became offended.
    McDermott has evolved over the last six games. He seems to second guess himself less and is more determined.  Josh plays best under adversity and shows a will to win like no other.


    The Dunne article and national critique put a chip on this teams shoulder. It bonded them in an improbable way. They did the proverbial, “Circle the Wagons”. Mc Dermott’s growth mindset made him think his way was not getting it done.  Credit to him to accept the criticism and grow. His game management is improved. 


    I think this article may be the thing that propels the team to a championship.  I am sure we will hear about what it did when the season is over.


    In the words of our hero..

    Go Bills!!



    Maybe Thanks Tyler

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  4. 15 minutes ago, TheFunPolice said:

    lots of interesting rumors about Vrabel. Maybe he's the surprise/unexpected HC change?  

    Before I thought Vrabel was a jerk.  In watching him in several games this year I have learned to appreciate him.  In a tight game he is very composed and in control at the end of the game. You see very little panic in his eyes and he is in control of all decisions. He projects confidence. Those are qualities I would want in any coach.


    I think McDermott has matured along these lines a lot in the last 6 weeks. Less deer in the headlights look. I felt in the past he looked composed on the outside but not on the inside, thus all the useless timeouts because of second guessing or lack of confidence.  Showing lack of confidence is poor in a leader, we have had growth there. Tyler Dunn may have done us a favor with his hit piece.  We have a different leader now with a team watching his back.  

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  5. 29 minutes ago, SCBills said:

    As far as our DL goes, setting the edge was hyper critical against the Miami run game after they gashed us early and when Tua dropped back to pass, he had the ball out quick enough to where a free rusher doesn't even have time to get to him. 


    Watching the first half I was saying to my son, why are our DE crashing so hard?  We would be better to contain and try to pressure up the middle.  Tua got the ball out so quick you were never getting there anyway.  1st half no contain 100+ yards rushing.  Second half contain 7 yds rushing. I think we must have adjusted well.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, NyQuil said:

    Wonder how much damage Hill did to his ankle playing today. Can't wait for the weekend of football!

    I was thinking a boot all week then the backflip on his TD.  I thought it could not have been that bad or numb where he could not feel it…

  7. If McDermott is staying, we need to lock Brady down as The OC, assistant head coach.  He was interviewed by several teams in the '21 cycle for Head coach. His resurgence here will open eyes again and get him looked at for Head Coach openings.  


    We need to make the playoffs to make the interview process more complex elsewhere where teams are waiting. 


    If we don't make the playoffs we need to act quick on a McDermott decision and consider him as the head coach.


    Our interviews may not just be for an offensive coordinator to satisfy the rule  but for his replacement.  The end of the season here is getting complicated.

  8. 26 minutes ago, BillsShredder83 said:

    What are the odds offense puts up 30+ rest of year, we go 4-1 3-2 or worse, miss playoffs and Brady stays even through a HC change?


    That's my new worst case scenario is letting a competent OC leave again. I guess If we bring in an OC to be HC there's really no chance he stays unless by sliver of chance their O strategies line up perfectly

    My worst case scenario, we score 30, Brady gets head coaching gig elsewhere.  Was interviewed last year, so it is likely going to happen again.  He was our fall back when we all thought Dorsey was gone to be a head coach.  To add insult to this we keep McD out of fear of the going backward.

  9. 7 minutes ago, MattM said:

    Absolutely brutal. Why the heck do you do that when he's got a 60 yarder. Make him kick it in a rush.


    Idiotic. A fireable offense, in my opinion, especially after he due the exact same thing vs the Broncos just 2 weeks ago.

    How about knocking the ball loose on the third down play.  Well short of the first down to keep the clock running.  They would have really needed to rush the kick.  Stop clock let’s them settle some the we call a time out to give the kicker a few more swipes on the sideline in preparation.  

  10. I mentioned, I had heard this in one of the other threads.  If this is true, I believe McDermott believes he is smarter than everyone.  Defense is dictated by down and distance.  How can you script your defense for an entire first drive.   Is he doing this to take himself out of the equation early, to free himself up to think about the entire game. If so give up the defensive play calling. Micah Hyde confirms it here.


  11. 27 minutes ago, PrimeTime101 said:

    went to the PS to finalize contract. when that done? I think he will be put on the 53 man right away


    I think this is a move to also not have to sign week 1 and guarantee contract.  If we signed him to the 53 that would be the case.  Talking him into PS was great move to get him in to learn.  If spot open stays past week 1, he will move up then.   He was probably being told by others, if there are any, we will sign you after week 1.   This lowers our  risk and we may provide the best opportunity.  

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  12. 7 minutes ago, BillsFanForever19 said:

    I don't know for sure what's going on. But the fact that he showed up and then left, combined with Josh's words make - I wonder if the following is what happened...


    McDermott let sleeping dogs lie after the Playoff game. Gave him space and didn't talk to him about it during the Offseason. Then when Stefon arrived, McDermott started playing "Look at me, I'm the captain" with him. Telling him it was unacceptable, maybe even asking him to apologize publicly to the team... something of that nature. This reopened old wounds and made him say "F this, I'm going home".


    Totally speculating, of course. But the fact that he showed up and then left says to me something happened after he arrived that ticked him off. And my guess is it was someone, most likely McDermott coming down on him.


    McDermott then making it public could have been a further flex of power on him. He could have just said "Stef was here but he was excused for the day for a personal issue". But instead he chose to make it a spectacle. Stef's agent saying "I don't know why McDermott said that" leads me to believe it was McDermott further saying "my way or the highway".


    Ultimately, a coach should have total control over his team. So in a sense, I understand it if this is what's going on. On the other, it's worrisome if McDermott is choosing to be heavy handed with a delicate situation when it could have just been swept under the rug for now.


    Again, only speculating.

    Could be true….but so can this.

    Steph showed up, asked to talk to Bean and or McDermott.  Called the coach out referencing his growth mindset.  In doing so says “We have not grown at all, you keep making the same mistakes”.   McDermott not liking it gets all defensive and jumps down his throat.  Steph leaves in a hissy fit.  A thin skinned McDermott, throws Steph under the bus because it makes him feel better.

    Just as likely….All human nature.  We are all just guessing. Let’s wait it out. 

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  13. As the draft approached I started to look at this guy. What I like is he was a basketball player.  Some of the better pass catching TE were basketball players.  Tony Gonzales, Zach Ertz and Travis Kelce all were basketball players.  Even our last good tight end Pete Metzellaars was a standout basketball player. They are great in traffic, know how to shield with their body, have a firm grip on the ball in the paint and find open space in smaller holes.  


    This guy will be very valuable if he displays any of these traits at the pro level.   It has been a long time since we had a guy who actually stretched the seams.  A lot of Kincaid's highlights show that downfield ability.  He has big hands that are vacuums. I can't wait to see him lined up and see what miss matches he can create.



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  14. 1 hour ago, LABILLBACKER said:

    I would keep Beane as I feel the majority of the defensive failed picks were influenced by McDermott.  I'm 100% convinced we'll never sniff a SB with him at the helm.  He's as close to being Marty Schottenheimer as a person can be.  I'd give Josh over to Sean Payton who would bring offensive stability.  Let Payton hand pick his OC.  Would've loved Jim Schwartz but too late on that. Brian Flores would bring an aggressive edge (more press) to our defense. Nothing against McD's amazing character based culture but his game strategy,  time management and personnel errors can no longer be ignored. 

    I think no decision can be made until you know who directs and makes final decisions in the draft.  If it is Mc Dermott, ask Bean to show you his boards.  Review historically his thought process.  Ask his staff for accuracy of information given.


    If the stressing of D line picks and choices were all McDermott's only with Allen here, he has to go.  If Bean is the real deal he will be able to put it back together.

    If the choices were all Bean, he needs to go.  You then need to know what the coaches feel about the choices.   If in agreement.  Coaches have to go along with Bean.


    I likely would keep them both. I think currently McDermott has final say on the roster now. We have made some mistakes there.   If McDermott directs picks and roster, not his responsibility any more, Bean gets picks and roster.  If Bean directs picks, give that job to Mc Dermott this year.   Bean becomes salary cap responsible and directs staff for scouting in draft and player personnel.


    I would be looking at an upgrade to Frasier, likely Flores. 

    Dorsey may have hung himself, we all stress on the actual plays called.  Game planning in this last game was lacking and the opposite of what common sense would tell you to do. That's not being creative or sneaky to attack a team, but plain stupid.


    We have had good coaching up of late round picks, that's a bright side.  A failure of early selections and decisions to hold them out of games, that's a bad side.


    When you listen to McDermott and Bean, the response is we need to evaluate. To make an educated recommendation and decision is wise .  It sounds as though they are unwilling to begin to form any opinions until year end


    Our problems may be an offensive system(EP) with too much complexity in options where players need to read it the same.  From what i have read added complexity in our secondary reads may have lead to some of our problems on D.


    Information gathering needs to be done, they likely know all they need to know. A wise leader would already know what they are going to find.  Throughout the year short coming's and mistakes should be corrected, persistence of these problems leads to failure. Be decisive and make a decision.

  15. 1 hour ago, SoCal Deek said:

    The offense was far from doomed. It performed very well throughout the year and would’ve been even better had Josh just stopped turning the ball over deep in the red zone (not intended as Josh bashing). But…we ALL knew that it would live or die in improvement at the offensive line; especially in the running game. That clearly didn’t happen. Not sure what the new OL Coach was doing all season long, but whatever it was, it was an utter disaster. 


    We are best in the red zone when we continue to drive inside of it.  Josh is the most effective inside the ten where he is a multi threat.  When we struggled, we hit the 20 and immediately go for end zone strikes.  The opponent didn't even have to cover the first down or short.


    When we struggled we got too aggressive.  Dorsey may have liked it that way.  A good coach would have recognized the flaw all year and been in Josh's ear to keep driving.


    Even when we scored on Sun we continued to drive the ball. On the failed red zone attempts, get to the 20 and throw into the end zone from there.

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