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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. What is the record for most bubble screens in a row?
  2. And yet the Bears just hung 33 on them.
  3. Congrats to Rypien on achieving the impossible…….making Russ Wilson look good.
  4. Because increasingly the mainstream media consists of fringe level critical thinking.
  5. I believe it now. I still don’t really like Kraft because of when he surreptitiously tried to get the Bills moved to Toronto. As a Pats fan that probably doesn’t matter to you but I can assure you that Bills fans care. But you’ve convinced me on this Florida thing with your comprehensive analysis that covered all the little details. I also just bought a bridge in Brooklyn. You want in? There’s lots of hooks, lines and sinkers in the water under the bridge. They’re all yours.
  6. There isn’t a coach alive that can make Murray taller.
  7. The lesson in all of this is to never hire a coach with a first name spelled in an idiotic fashion.
  8. I never expected to learn that Milano is a black guy in a thread about Allen attending a San Diego Padres game. What’s next? Figuring out that Elam is 37 yeas old in a thread about Tua’s concussion?
  9. Elam never fell below Benford as a prospect. Benford was simply more familiar with the system, which was a good thing. Shirley you might not want to use Denver as proof that Gardner is shut down. Most people’s Grandmas would shut down Denver. That’s not a knock on Gardner.
  10. New goalie earned his paycheck tonight. Keep it up dude.
  11. Dude did his homework too. He threw in some Marv poetry in the middle there. Lie down and bleed a while.
  12. It had to be some sort of bit. He was talking on a flip phone about personal stuff, being filmed and there were flashes meaning someone else was taking still photos.
  13. Bengals could still come around but I mostly agree.
  14. He is playing hurt but still you’re right.
  15. How is that not a flag? Defender pushed the guy right into him.
  16. With their best RB on the bench and a 67 year old running it.
  17. Melvin Gordon is a fumble risk but also gives you a shot at winning. Murray 0%
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