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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. A choice between burning money for no production or standing pat? I’ll stand pat. There is no need to list other options, if option one is horrible.
  2. Hopkins is expensive, a diva and constantly hurt. The concept of him playing at peak performance for the Bills is seductive but unrealistic and likely to be essentially a pile of burning money.
  3. More importantly, who is replacing as the target for irrational and emotional complaints?
  4. Well at least I’ve now learned that the Broncos have a messy sofa.
  5. Garret Wilson too.
  6. Some of these signings are for people like this guy who are completely made up. Seahawks to sign Bart Bartholomew to four year $52M contract.
  7. The other concern with Vander Doodle is that he suck’s badly.
  8. 1. But we’re in the American Conference. The Rams or some NFC team might get away with that loophole. B. This is the NFL. Both the NBA and Canada are stupid and irrelevant.
  9. It’s called the National Football League for a reason. Maybe Guam?
  10. My are posts what? Just kidding, I know it was a typo. The guy that called a rock an alien ship says there have been probes but they’re all hiding. And they are pooped out of a mother ship which is also hiding. Do I have that right? I suggested that you think about your response vis a vis Von Neumann probes, etc. but you didn’t. If you had, you’d realize that what is asserted about the characteristics of these probes does not follow basic logic. This is a very important step. I don’t think I have an emotional tone at all in these posts. My posts may elicit an emotional response from the wishful thinkers, but that is something entirely different. It’s not all that different from telling a pot head that marijuana has negative traits. Those responses are very similar. At this point are you ready to defend the study and state what you think is true and why, or do you need more?
  11. The Bills and other East Coast teams need to take advantage of their time zone. 1,2,3 hour waits for teams in different parts of the country waiting for noon to arrive.
  12. Based on this I think it would be awesome to get two Connor McGoverns. Is there a discount if we do that?
  13. Hopkins doesn’t miss games? Shirley
  14. I gave you an “at” to show you where I’ve already addressed your demand.
  15. Post a link from charlatans and don’t say why you agree, it’s just on me to explain? Scroll up a few posts and tell me what I missed with my explanation. I notice no one even tried.
  16. He gets hurt all the time and in the rare cases where he’s healthy he usually whines and in the rare cases when he doesn’t whine, he gets bombed and harasses flight attendants……and he’ll only play for a big contract.
  17. And you dumped Davis.
  18. What does the lineup look like for the 12 games Beckham is injured?
  19. They are definitely doomed. Do you think it’s bad enough that Goodell will banish them from the league? It’s truly hopeless and awful.
  20. You cited the study. Why not explain what is right about it. Then I’ll go, because there is plenty. Abridged version: math.
  21. So your supposition is that the other owners would implement a low standard for removal? They wouldn’t be concerned at all if they saw stuff about Snyder that seemed dubious? Full on embracing of mob mentality is the best course? This makes sense how?
  22. So a guy, looking for funding, who once called a rock an alien ship, now says a mother ship might be shooting out probes. Sure. And his butt might be shooting out monkeys. This is but one example of how charlatans monetize people’s desire for aliens to exist despite math’s objection.
  23. You’ve seen all the info and vetted its veracity?
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