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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. The Patriots play was more idiotic. That’s what was being discussed.
  2. I need to hear the Pats radio broadcast of that. Still haven’t seen it on the internet. It has to be outstanding.
  3. Not disagreeing about Lewis but if no one has mentioned it yet, the contest for most idiotic play in the last two years stopped accepting nominations at about 7:15 PM yesterday. Spoiler alert: Lewis lost the contest.
  4. As long as he doesn’t do the same dance Dahmer McDaniel did walking through practice I think he can pull off the look.
  5. The point I was making is that due to the laws of physics, we will some day be able to draw on 10 million years worth of tried and true space exploration and it will still not be practical to transport a person into interstellar space.
  6. Did Columbus defy the laws of physics that have 14 billion years under their belt? 2000 and 60 are roughly the same when compared to 14 billion.
  7. What I’m saying is that the scale does matter when the scale is likely infinite or extraordinarily close. That is the case when discussing straightforward transportation of a human to another star system. The laws of physics were never an enemy of Columbus. I’m not dismissing the possibility of the unknown becoming reality such as creation of wormholes, inter dimensional leaps, etc., but getting on a ship and traveling to another star as if you’re driving across the USA or on the Santa Maria is simply never ever ever ever ever ever going to be practical/possible. Ever. Unmanned? Absolutely.
  8. Big deal. I knew Armenian kids in the 7th grade that had to shave their back.
  9. I see what you’re saying but the analogy is off x10000000000000. It was one thing to overcome fear, and get a boat to sail the ocean. Daunting to be sure, but there really isn’t a comparison to the energy requirements of transporting a healthy human across lifetime years of space. We are only marginally closer to having that ability than we were in 1492 when you really think about it.
  10. Space exploration can and has provided benefits that are used back here on Earth. A broader understanding of what is around us, information gained that can be re-applied at home, Tang, etc……. I’m not sure what specifically sending a manned mission to Mars will provide that sending robots cannot. The physics required to get a person to Mars and back in a healthy manner are far more daunting than sending a robot. Some say it is human nature to explore and I agree. Where the limits to that render it counterproductive is up for debate. Each mission carries risk and reward. Manned missions cost more thus have more risk for similar potential reward. The further we go, the more this is pronounced. SETI and the like is where the real waste exists since intelligent life in the galaxy/universe has essentially been ruled out mathematically already. Thankfully the percentage of money spent on that crap is actually pretty low, but every penny is a wasted penny. If I were in charge of everything, I wouldn’t be too far off what we’re doing but probably nix any manned Mars stuff for the foreseeable future. The ultimate goal would be to explore the galaxy and expand our domain, but not by transporting blobs of flesh around at enormous cost with little chance of success. It would be small dna samples on small self replicating robots. We don’t have that technology yet, but it will certainly be here before any Star Trek mumbo jumbo.
  11. Comparing Eichel and Allen is beyond what a human brain should be able to comprehend.
  12. And some people will wonder why @Your Brown Eye is nowhere to be seen until at least tonight.
  13. Sports Illustrated has devolved to the point where it is publishing a story based on “liked tweets”.
  14. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  15. Don’t sell yourself short. You’re an all around douche.
  16. Well, he started this thread so I’d say no. At least this time it wasn’t Bole Ceasley.
  17. And in the spring the pick they traded for him will be completely invisible.
  18. I don5bthink so. Think they are from left.
  19. Soccer fans be honest. If FRANCE can get this far in what is supposed to be a top level event TWICE in a row, can it really be all that much of a sport? I mean…….France? Shirley
  20. I think there were contendants on Hogan’s Heroes.
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