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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. If your best friend was named carriage return, hit him up twice now and then.
  2. The spoiler alert is that Mac Jones is not the answer, O’Brien or no O’Brien. He is weak armed and whiny. . I think the other kid, although still a bit of an unknown, has a much better chance than Mac.
  3. I can see BB calling it a day in NE as the surprise departure Cardinals are stupid to not blow that entire thing up. McVay could “retire” Arthur Smith…..bye bye Raiders probably stuck with Josh
  4. This is the same crap Dahmer said to the cops before they let him take that Asian kid back to his apartment.
  5. The Bills will get another chance to see what kind of coach Denver hires to beat Mahomes as just one year later, they are doing it again. Maybe this time Beane will pay attention.
  6. Oh no, now Alabama is going to get the one seed because they beat The Citadel and we’ll get screwed.
  7. It was 4th down so run or pass they had to get the first.
  8. Sauce Gardner is a good player but please stop with the “top corner in the nfl” crap. Why? Because NY?
  9. Shocking….seemingly impossible……but true. Let’s hope he never reverts to his norm. I’ve been completely unimpressed with him but last night was a different story. He was great in the second period too.
  10. I’ll reserve judgement on him until I watch his Netflix documentary.
  11. Since the Bills bye week have the 49ers or Bills played a tougher schedule?
  12. You can’t really be that obtuse can you? And by obtuse I mean something else but I’m being nice. I included the 7 losses twice as well so implying I was trying to be sneaky or something is way off. Over the last 7 games have the Bills or 49ers played a tougher schedule?
  13. No. I added up the records of our opponents in our last 7 games…..which constitutes after the bye” which is something you brought up. We played them twice. Removing one of those actually increases the win percentage of our opponents, so I’m not sure what you’re getting at. That’s ok I guess because it doesn’t seem that you’re sure what you’re getting at.
  14. We played the Jets twice….chief….so I counted it twice. Whether you count them once or twice doesn’t sway things much since they are 7-7. Of the teams I called playoff contenders, none of them are more than a game out of it. Note that I did not include the Browns who are mathematically alive. Let’s be clear. Are you saying that the Bills have played an easier schedule in their last 7 games than the 49ers have played in their last 7? Because last I checked 53-45 is better than 42-55 but maybe I’m missing some secret Pats math again. Of the 31 non-Bills teams, how many have played a slate with a better record than Bills opponents in their last 7? You can can compare to 53-45 or 46-38 as a win percentage. I haven’t looked at all the teams but the number is likely well below 10. My Jets/fish comparison is my own, and I fully understand it is an opinion based on my own eye test. They play each other again and they both play your Pats, so we’ll see. I could be wrong for sure. At the end of the day you’re just straight up wrong trying to refute someone saying the 9ers have had a soft run in their schedule by saying the Bills have as well. It’s not close. The point you made was 100%, unquestionably wrong and you should just own it.
  15. That last sentence must have hurt. Nice play yesterday btw. I included playoff contenders as playoff contenders. If you want to subjectively criticize that in an effort to assert my post lacks credibility, then how about just looking at overall records? Of the 31 non-Bills teams in the league, how many teams have played teams with combined 53-45 records or better in their last 7? Im guessing the number is pretty low. As I said, I agree with you about the 9ers in general, but their last 7? 42-55…either 43-55 or 42-56 after the Rams play tonight. Net net, math is not your strong point making this argument. Side note: I don’t think losing to the Bills then the Lions constitutes free fall but I guess we’ll find out. FWIW I think the Jets are better than the fish but I guess we’ll all find out in a few weeks.
  16. I agree that the 9ers are legit, but the Bills schedule since the bye? Jets twice. They are playing reasonably well, no? Fish and Vikes as you mentioned. Lions seem to be doing ok. So that’s 5 games out of 7 against teams in a playoff race. Add your Pats who are technically not out and that is 6 of their last 7 games against playoff contending teams. Can you find even one other team that has played 6 of their last seven against playoff contenders? I’m guessing there aren’t many.. Combined record of teams since bye: 53-45 Combined records when removing games against Bills: 50-40
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