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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. That’s because although you helped them, your incessant complaining about Asian carp left them wishing they stayed stuck in the embankment.
  2. No Lobstah bisque in the OP. Boo hoo.
  3. To be clear I’m of the opinion that people have been jumping to too many conclusions based on press reports for a long time now. It started right away, hit a crescendo when the hack named Tim Graham tried to corner Beane with a “direct quote” from Araiza that was nothing of the sort and continues now. I’ve read many places that Araiza has been exonerated by the DA but that is simply not true. The DA said there will not be charges unless something new comes to light. The details of the meeting reported beyond that do not come from the DA, they come from defendant’s lawyers and a little from the plaintiff’s lawyer. We need to have higher analytical standards than Tim Graham which should be really easy. With that said Matt Araiza should decide whether or not he should lay low and if not, he should decide with whom he chooses to interview. The NFL bending over to what it perceives as red/blue or whatever other metric it is measured against should have no bearing on that. He will never be able to control it. And some people don’t like Tomi Lahren so she should be shunned too? Maybe he should go on with Samantha Guthrie so she can treat him like she did that 15 year old kid she told “standing there” was aggressive. This walking on eggshells to appease the whimsical perceptions about people who generate mob mentality is unhealthy. He should do what he thinks is right. It’s called America, not Afraidica.
  4. Spoiler alert: We all know you’re trolling.
  5. You are aware that the Rams drafted him, not the Pats, correct?
  6. All of what you wrote is spot on and you even left out some off ice escapades as well as the stunting of Dahlin’s development that seemed to be happening when Eichel was here. Look at that kid now. And the time he said the crowd was booing him because they want him back. I think the best summary is that Eichole was born and raised a mass hole. It will rear its head in Vegas at some point.
  7. “Best sports deal in Arizona history” might be a low bar. What was the second best? I’m guessing BOGO pretzel night at the rodeo.
  8. I doubt Tampa makes the playoffs but even if they do how do you know their game will be the one on Peacock? Are you saying the NFL is rigged?
  9. Who here thinks Avi Loeb is a complete idiot?
  10. Any updates on this?
  11. So…..another whiny post about your supposed favorite team. Got it. Doesn’t sound like another phony to me at all. Look for about 12 complaints a week. But probably 14 gloating I told you so’s every time the Bills lose a game.
  12. An article that came out yesterday was highly favorable to Araiza………but………it was an article with second hand accounts…….not an official statement by anyone. There won’t be any prosecution unless something very drastically changes so it does appear his name has been cleared from a criminal standpoint. That said, it is pretty clear that the civil case is still pending and while it may seem baseless to many it still has the capability of being a hornet’s nest to any team signing him. Every team has Tim Graham-esque beat reporters looking to get clicks by distorting things. Graham’s example was the definition of “direct quote”, another set of reporters would likely use similar tactics. Maybe a team will sign him now. I doubt it. If the case continues on its current trajectory I’d guess either 24 or 25.
  13. Personally I think the Bills made the right choice for the Bills and for Araiza who would have had to endure a firestorm for which no 22yo is equipped.
  14. Fine whatever but I could do without the superfluous “u’s” in every other word.
  15. The Araiza thing or the Lucky Charms aisle? Link for either?
  16. Geolocation as reported by Yahoo? The article was not taken from the DA’s account. It was taken from a person in a meeting likely representing Araiza. I could say that geolocation put you in the Lucky Charms aisle at Walmart and although there is a good chance this would be true, I still just made it up.
  17. How do we do due process for punters? Net yards per kick?
  18. The article said? The article from Yahoo? This is now what we must accept as objective truth? I’m not saying it’s false but it wasn’t exactly unambiguous. His friend and “other information” indicated he wasn’t there. I’m not in any way calling anyone a liar but it is not a first hand account or official release. It is a second hand account likely given by a source with a vested interest. You were absolutely correct to wait for actual facts but this article does not contain objective facts. Do I find it likely to be largely accurate? Sure. Could I be wrong and could the actual facts be different than what was written in this article? Yes.
  19. I’m not sure I’m following. You’re outraged that she made stuff up, then her lawyer made it even worse? Ok cool I’m with you there. But if his lawyer simply made up a story that his phone showed him elsewhere, that’s cool? Shouldn’t truth be important across the board? My point is that there is an objective truth to this whole thing but it doesn’t make it easier to reconstruct. Over time we can probably get close enough to the real truth to make assumptions, but at no point does that make it ok for one side to make up lies in an effort to sway or expedite. In the initial reporting of this whole thing, the most iron clad truth I could find is that both lawyers were complete and utter morons.
  20. He’s more likely to understand my picture.
  21. Lol charity. Who got that $$$$$$$ and how did the utilize it? Uh oh. Logic. Brace yourself. Incoming!!!!!! Now THAT Kellerman/ESPN pocket is one deep enough to sue.
  22. Ham rots. Those styrofoam things in Lucky Charms will last longer.
  23. Do you live on planet Earth?
  24. I’ve got it! Sign him back and trade him and Ed Oliver for Hopkins. It would consolidate so many ridiculous threads into one . Plus Araiza sort of sounds like Arizona.
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