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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. If they were racing and he made a little swerve at her causing her to overreact I could see holding him partially responsible. I’m not saying it happened but it is certainly plausible. Lots of things could have prevented it, including some things Carter could have done. It is far from “just on Carter” but he was part of this and bears some responsibility. He also had subsequent chances to be truthful and demurred. I have not seen WEO solely put the blame on anyone and in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly in lock step with him on most topics.
  2. I’m with WEO on this one. The dude left the scene and lied to cops about it. Nice “friend”. I wouldn’t draft him. Legally responsible? Only if something new comes to light like he crowded her while racing and she swerved. He certainly contributed to the situation. If he didn’t engage in the race, there is likely a different result.
  3. I was criticizing the poster to whom I replied. It should have been obvious as the “short skirt” comment is one that is VERY commonly used. I am in 100% agreement that what he did was wrong and I do not need morality lessons. I am happy to PM with you as you suggest if you feel you need help with reading comprehension.
  4. But will we know when it’s our parsley sage or rosemary?
  5. I clicked the laugh button because of the spot on Stripes meme. I would have clicked it 100x if possible. Based on the meme and the sentence you typed other buttons I would have clicked if multiple buttons were allowed: Lombardi button Thumbs up button Beer mug button Checkmark button Not bad for a Pats fan button And probably more. You summed up the whole thread nicely without being verbose. Well done.
  6. All bad but all there as fallout from Murray. But he may still have surrounded him with a disjointed roster of malcontents and a psychotic goalie.
  7. Yes he is far better than Eichole but never underestimate how bad a GM Tim Murray was. Perhaps the worst in the history of North American professional sports.
  8. How many people waited it line at the wake, made it up to the family and said: Meh, terrible outcome. ?
  9. I heard on XM that Carter did none of the above and actually lied to police…..or is being accused of such. I have not seen that written yet though.
  10. Minor details in the overall scheme. Honestly, why should any other school be allowed to have a team when they are all hopelessly doomed to an infinity of inferiority? It’s a joke, but I guess it must be allowed to play out until they are all extinguished by the singularity.
  11. Charleston Southern certainly can’t hold a candle to Chattanooga, but I digress. Why bother discussing any non SEC team? Why are they even allowed to exist? They’re as useless as cornerbacks. Until all teams are absorbed into the SEC and eventually into the mother ship itself, college football will remain needlessly asymmetrical and subject to the laws of space and time. But don’t worry, the singularity is inevitable.
  12. We are all going through it together at different paces. If it isn’t Alabama, it will be one day.
  13. Updated version: Does a cocaine bear $&*( in the woods?
  14. Jealousy? I think you’re mistaken. I’m just ahead of the curve. While you see that the SEC is the center of the galaxy known as college football, your criticism of the other conferences is misguided. Think of them as if they were star clusters from the outermost edges to the areas near the SEC center. Once you view it that way it will become clear. Although it takes time, these clusters will inexorably move closer to and become part of, the center known as the SEC. What you fail to realize for now is that once this happens, there is further consolidation to take place. Why put up with schools inferior to the true center…..the black hole if you will…..Alabama? Everything one day must be absorbed so there is only one unified galaxy that is Alabama. It is pointless to be jealous, angry, argumentative or any other emotion that resists the undeniable fact that sooner or later, everything that exists in the galaxy of college football will be sucked into Alabama. Even the disdain and snobbery Alabama fans harbor for all else will become pointless. All of those wasted emotions will simply disappear along with everything else into the singularity. Spacetime will cease to exist in the inevitable oneness that is the Crimson Tide. The singularity. As is true with the astronomical galaxies, there are going to be many violent collisions and much strife along the way, but make no mistake, Sagittarius A* and Alabama cannot be denied. Hopefully for you, maybe the torment and death that takes place as college football collapses in upon itself will disproportionately impact defensive backs. They deserve it anyway. Still, that remains to be seen. I make no predictions about the strength of the grand and glorious Alabama football program when it has to do battle with the real galaxy, but as long as Saban is calling the shots, Sagittarius A* better be prepared.
  15. The Citadel, Uriah State, La-Monroe and Austin Peay scare the heck out of Dabo.
  16. IKF too. I get a little bored sometimes with the lopsided teams talk. Can the Yanks beat the Astros? Etc. plenty of time for that in September. I’m looking at teams that are up and coming or will exceed expectations. I can see the white Sox making a comeback. They were snake bit last year. My “over” team is the Royals. They’ll lose but have a lot of talent and youth.
  17. The non elbowing call ought to draw a fine. What a joke. I’m fine with an OTL getting a point if a regulation win gets 3, but as it stands, an overtime game is worth more total pints…..2+1…..than a regulation game. That’s dumb.
  18. You implied that Araiza had made the team and that the Bills consider the matter resolved once Haack had been cut. This was demonstrably false.
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