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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Post a link from charlatans and don’t say why you agree, it’s just on me to explain? Scroll up a few posts and tell me what I missed with my explanation. I notice no one even tried.
  2. He gets hurt all the time and in the rare cases where he’s healthy he usually whines and in the rare cases when he doesn’t whine, he gets bombed and harasses flight attendants……and he’ll only play for a big contract.
  3. What does the lineup look like for the 12 games Beckham is injured?
  4. They are definitely doomed. Do you think it’s bad enough that Goodell will banish them from the league? It’s truly hopeless and awful.
  5. You cited the study. Why not explain what is right about it. Then I’ll go, because there is plenty. Abridged version: math.
  6. So your supposition is that the other owners would implement a low standard for removal? They wouldn’t be concerned at all if they saw stuff about Snyder that seemed dubious? Full on embracing of mob mentality is the best course? This makes sense how?
  7. So a guy, looking for funding, who once called a rock an alien ship, now says a mother ship might be shooting out probes. Sure. And his butt might be shooting out monkeys. This is but one example of how charlatans monetize people’s desire for aliens to exist despite math’s objection.
  8. Does the reason a guy misses most of the season consistently matter? Both these guys are toast.
  9. Shirley you jest. I spell color without a u and pronounce it perfectly.
  10. At least Americans can spell “color” without trying to make it look all regal by adding unnecessary letters.
  11. I think Kenny Golladay is available. He was good in Detroit. Maybe the Giants could get him.
  12. How Beane gets himself in a position every year where he doesn’t have 12 of the 32……well 31 if Miami or NE cheat……first round picks is another example of his incompetence. I mean this year he got us the 27th pick. Doesn’t he know top 10 is better?
  13. Wrong methodology. See what you’re supposed to do is compare the Bills pick not to some sort of board consensus but to the best random thought thrown out there by any one of the board’s 37 caustic geniuses. You don’t need to do it contemporaneously either, the geniuses are allowed up to three years do decide. That will show you that Beane is indeed stupid. Stop using logic….more emotion….preferably anger. You left off Chosen Rosen.
  14. We aren’t the ones saying “innit” all the time.
  15. It could be collusion but that is unproven. Do I have that right? It also could be unicorns or aliens……also not proven. Prove it. Also…..from another post of yours…..why do you think billionaires need “nobodies” to carry their water? When you were little and your mom asked, “would you jump off the bridge if your friend did”, did you understand what she was saying? Later in life, if one of your friends did something very stupid, did the rest of your group avoid following suit? Were you colluding or did you have enough instincts on your own to avoid stupidity? Of course Jackson can try to use precedent in negotiations. And the owners can as well. Allen, Mahomes, and others got nothing like Watson nor did Geno or Jones in the last few days. Occum’s Shaver says collusion, while possible, is far from the most likely reason Jackson is unsigned.
  16. So Daboll purposely hitched his wagon to an unmotivated QB?
  17. If he is demanding a billion dollars guaranteed, then it is bad….on him. If they are truly “out” on him at any price or guarantee level,, that is weird and bad on them and makes no sense. Neither of those pass the smell test for being real, but before a team writes a check for $1, they have to ship two firsts. That’s a factor, no? I’m not denying there could be collusion but there is far too little actual evidence to reach that conclusion. In your own words you are “judging” but we are not in a position to do that. IMO Jackson is a QB who should end up with a big money contract….if Daniel Jones get 40, Lamar should get a lot…..but he is the wrong guy to get some sort of full guarantee….is there even a right guy at that position? Cleveland’s desperation seems to have initiated the guarantee issue but non-guarantee is certainly still the norm. If guarantees become the norm the cap becomes very real and truly will hinder a lot of teams. Because Cleveland took on that risk does not mean everyone will, especially with a guy that just missed an extended period with an injury and will cost an additional two firsts. A team would be colluding against itself to fully guarantee a Jackson and give up two firsts.
  18. You know there were no discussions how exactly? There are two things which are very important which nobody knows beyond speculation: What teams are willing to pay What Lamar wants to receive Without knowing either of these things it is hard to cast blame. If Atlanta offered vet minimum I’d say they were way off. If Lamar asked for 6 billion a year guaranteed, he is way off. We don’t know so we don’t know.
  19. This is a tough break but people named Vorhees have come back from far worse.
  20. Of that list I guess Evans would be on top for me because the other three aren’t likely to be healthy beyond week 2. I have no idea why anyone would want these clowns. Add the moron from New Orleans to that list. It doesn’t matter if they were once good. They are toast.
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