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Posts posted by 4merper4mer

  1. That's impossible. He's not the problem child that Peters is, and his dad would never let him do it even if he was like that, which he is not.


    Besides, Peters didn't sulk and report out of shape after he got paid the top dollar and going rate, it was only before.


    Just the latest in a line of reasons to not work that hard. It started after the draft when he refused to go to rookie camp due to "still being in school". He has missed a lot of preparation but plays in games. That's why I call him



  2. Let's see...

    1. The Bills have converted both Ron Brooks and Aaron Williams to safety.
    2. The team drafted two safeties in this year's draft.
    3. Byrd's agent is Eugene Parker who also represents Jason Peters. This is the same agent who advised his client to hold out and ultimately engineered his exit to a contending team.
    4. Reports suggest that there has been little to no dialogue between the two sides.
    5. Both Byrd and his agent have been radio silent. Byrd's last tweet was March 1st, which happens to be the date he was franchised.

    My uneducated guess (hope I'm wrong): Byrd's preference is to play/sign elsewhere and Eugene Parker is hellbent on making that happen. The Bills are making other plans.

    The Eagles are/were a contending team?

  3. Some very interesting details are just now coming out. In addition to the FBI dropping the ball on the older brother's budding muslim extremeism, apparently the local cops also showed some buffoonery last week. And yes, I do think the brothers "did it", but I still think there is much more of the story to be told.


    FTA: "But new details that surfaced on Wednesday night reveal some key details that stand to change the timeline of the final 24 hours of the manhunt dramatically. Among other revelations, police are now saying that they don't believe Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the younger of the two brothers suspected of carrying out the attack, was armed when they opened fire on him Friday evening. In fact, authorities admit that the two brothers didn't quite have the small arsenal of weapons they thought they did — just one gun, a gun that wasn't anywhere near Dzhokhar when he was found in the boat after a shootout."


    Link: http://www.theatlant...-emerges/64564/


    Another story in the NY Times with even more info. You know that HUGE shootout on Laurel St? The brothers had only ONE gun. That's some mighty fine shooting by the armed-to-the-teeth cops there! lol


    FTA: "Police officials initially announced that officers had “exchanged gunfire” Friday evening with the surviving suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, as he hid in a boat in the backyard of a house in Watertown, Mass. Now several law enforcement officials say no gun was found in the boat, and officials say they are exploring what prompted officers to fire at Mr. Tsarnaev, who some feared was armed with explosives. Law enforcement officials now say they have recovered only one gun elsewhere, which they believe was used by Mr. Tsarnaev’s older brother, Tamerlan — not the three previously reported."


    Link: http://www.nytimes.c...wanted=all&_r=0



  4. I was hoping that it was more of a drive by. He rode past the driver side of the car while it was stuck in traffic, saw the window open and figured what the hell, might as well punch him.


    That doesn't sound realistic though. Remember he is a cyclist and thus caught up in his silly little world of look at me look at me until otherwise distracted.

  5. I'd love to know what caused that, but the article brushed over it pretty quickly as if it wasn't important.


    Bicyclist taking up the entire road, being a douche and not following traffic laws in any way shape manner or form......driver dares to say something to the entitled prick wearing girly colors and carrying his spandex mafia card in his fanny pack....punch.


    Do you really need an article to tell you that?

  6. Just reviewed this thread from the start. Ok, just to set the record straight here. In what I initially posted in this thread, and for several posts after that, there was NO condescension (by me) to anyone, NO personal attacks or name calling (by me) to other members, and NO "wild, aliens came down and did it" theories. Rather, I just had some normal concerns about this matter; the same concerns that millions of other people also had.


    In fact, in my second post in this thread (#9), I said, "Again, I'm not saying they're innocent or that there's some big conspiracy….." Shortly thereafter, the unprovoked insults and attacks started:


    Post #27 - "Okay, so there is no real proof as of yet, but you're "alleged" to be a nut."


    Post #36 - "Wow you really are an idiot aren't you…"


    Post #44 - "You really are an idiot."


    Post #45 - "Idiot and clown seem somewhat valid here....you have to agree your take of pro Tsaernaevs is a little out there."


    If I cared one whit what internet know-it-alls thought about me, I'd ask for apologies. I don't and I won't. It is pretty sad though, that a good number of you have to get all bitter, and start flinging the insults when someone simply has a different viewpoint than you. Actually, it's sad, pathetic, and quite immature.



  7. Ok, can't argue with that logic...paint 5'9" Wes Welker blue and he still will retire near or beyond 10000 receiving yards in the NFL. I still contend Austin could be fascinating in this offense with CJ, SJ and TJ (and don't rule out Freddie as a well-above average 2nd back).




    Geez dude do you think Austin will get Tom Brady or the benefit of free reign to cheat like Welker has had for his career? I agree that Austin would be electric in the open field. Like Roscoe but at #8.

  8. Austin could be brilliant in this offense (and negate our need for an elite QB), and don't get what you don't see in Jordan...agree that Ansah and Patterson are incredibly risky.


    In spirit of OCinBuffalo's OP, drafts which would make me giddy:

    Austin at #8, trade back into first round for EJ Manuel (would rather a qb falls

    Jets trade up to #7, lose picks, draft Nassib (i live in nyc, and the excrementstorm would be obscenely delightful), Jordan/Fisher/Geno/Milliner drops to Bills (or we take Austin)

    Trade down with Rams/49ers/Vikings get some combo of Eifert or Ertz/Manuel or Barkley/T'eo or Jones/Hunter or Austin or Hopkins or Allen/Vaccaro/Warmack or Cooper with first 3 picks (a lot of these guys would have to be in freefall, but that's kinda the point).


    Trading down with one of these teams AND trading Byrd for picks would "ruin my weekend" in both interpretations (really would hate to see Byrd go for so many reasons, would be excited about the flurry of picks, and simply rapt like an infant in the thrall of jingling keys).



    Oh dear lord how I would love/hate this!


    Paint Austin blue and he is in a Saturday morning cartoon. Jordan is Maybin but a little better. No thanks.

  9. I'd say he has more in common with Spiller, as in being a serious threat to score every time he touches the ball.


    I he were blue he'd have more in common Farmer smurf. He'll last 23 weeks in the NFL. Those 23 weeks will be spread over 5 years. NO WAY.

  10. What specifically is it they wear?


    Look, I am not saying he did anything wrong by expressing his rights, but you have to consider the context of that shirt within a middle school setting these days. He could have worn any shirt, white shirt, tank top, etc. Just like B-man posted, keep it neutral and non controversal.


    It's like the pictures chef posted but these mormon broads cover their faces and stuff. I think it is called a hibbity jibbity. Anyway it is totally cool they wear it as it is an expression of their religion and freedom of speech. Some of them might wear it to bother other people or make a political point. So what? This kid wore a gun t-shirt. That is totally cool as it is an expression of his belief in the 2nd amendment and freedom of speech. Maybe he wore it to bother someone. So what? If I want to weear a shirt about the fourth amendment because I honor my mother and father am I going to offend some orphan? Geez dude.

  11. [/size]


    Sorry, J, but you're way off on this one.


    My most recent posts in these forums, starting last week in the aftermath of the Boston bombings NEVER attacked, denigrated, or were condescending to any other posters in ANY way shape of matter. OTOH, I WAS attacked, name-called, and made fun of simply for having a divergent point of view. So finally after a few days, when I kept getting maligned & abused for no other reason than having a different view, I pushed back ever so slightly. If pwning someone, who btw, made fools of themselves, comes across as condescending, then I can live with that. l'm still happy & having fun!


    I can't be bothered to read through this crap and see if you denigrated other posters and I don't care if you did. What you did do is denigrate a deceased 8 year old boy by purposely misrepresenting at whose hands he died in an effort to spin up people and have fun. I hope you had fun.



  12. Yeah, and they laughed when smokers were told that there'd come a day when you'd have to go outside in the freezing temps to burn one. There are even some places in this country where you can't smoke outside!


    Wait a minute? Are you also...........could you be..........let me ask this another way:


    What would you do if the Bills drafted a cornerback on Thursday night?

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