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Posts posted by 4merper4mer

  1. As someone living in Thailand, I have to say. Buffalo Dung! BTW most of Asia has very strict gun control and crime rates are way, way lower in most countries.


    I don't live there so I can't say but why don't you take a little trek up to China and start mouthing off publicly about their government and see how it works out for you. And despite its location on the globe wouldn't Thailand be considered somewhat "Westernized"?

  2. Ignore the troll. The one thing mankind has proven through its history is that it loves a gory, brutal death. Running someone over with a car, hacking someone to death with a machete, happens everyday. Mostly in Africa or countries we dont care about, to people we dont care about.


    No doubt they have mental issues, as they obviously have a warped perspective and a bent sense of reality. That goes for anyone and everyone who commits violent acts on others, regardless of the method.


    We are not living human history. We are living now.


    You can deem the methods and reasons irrelevant all you want. You can claim it is human nature. You can do all of that even though it is completely idiotic. You can do that because you live in America.


    Unfortunately today's America sometimes blames objects for violence to the point where soldiers at an Army base are unarmed and fall victim to someone whose ideology takes advantage of this pussification. I wonder if the soldier who was BEHEADED IN A STREET today was allowed to be armed or not.


    Move along...nothing to see here....just human nature.

  3. Violence is everywhere. It is a matter of how much. Not if. It's human nature.


    But which category of violence does the UK rank higher in than the US?


    How about beheadings on a :censored: ing public street?


    Running down someone with a car and beheading him is not human nature. You can keep minimizing this and making insane/inane comments about how America is violent all you like. And America along with some other western countries will remain the only place you can say stupid crap like that without fearing for your life.

  4. Thank God Britain has strong gun laws or who knows what would have happened?


    I hope they won't pay those guys $278,000.


    And at least we know where the British PM was and that he returned home. I wonder if it had been an ambassador having his body dragged through the street of a foreign country if the British PM would check out and never tell anyone of his whereabouts during that time. I think the answer is yes if the British people would sit idly by and accept it.


    You know when we should stop sitting idly by and accepting this crap?












































    I think you do know. We all do.

  5. Not necessarily a bad thing...I mean, if the Libyan government is so grabbastic that they can't arrest and extradite to the US, it's probably so fragile that you don't want to risk toppling it with any sort of military action in Libya. I'm not sure I agree with that...but I could understand that reasoning.


    Somehow, though, I doubt the administration's policy is anywhere close to being reasoned. And AP should probably just hand over Dozier's phone records to DOJ right now and not bother waiting for the subpoena...


    It is reasoned. The reason is Los Gatos.

  6. No. I don't get it. What's this whole thing about "privates?" With birds it is pretty easy to distinguish between male and female withOUT looking at their privates. Male northern cardinals are bright red like the St. Louis baseball team logo. Female northern cardinals are the same kind of bird, bright orange beak BUT dull in color... Only red is the plume on top of its head.




    What did you do? Shoot the thing?


    Whatever you say perv.

  7. I don't get it.


    I heard Blue Jays do it too... Get territorial that is. Guess what country they are from? We aren't in St. Louis anymore.


    You said it was a female cardinal. I don't understand why you're staring at her privates to decide if she is a girl. Somebody else was looking at the boy cardinal's privates. It is just weird.

  8. If you put everyone who thinks you're an idiot on ignore, you'd be effectively talking to yourself here :lol:


    Unless Ajmidenjahdiidad or however spell it of Sandusky have IDs here I think you might be right.

  9. Just threw $5 in for the office pool. Here's to hoping.


    It's $2 a ticket isn't it?


    Also just to clarify I think the original title of this thread is very mean. Beerboy does poop his pants a lot but it is because of a medical condition called incompetence, not because of the lottery.

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