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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I read right on here that we should do whatever it takes.
  2. I’m no more mad at you than I’d be at the kid screaming for the Lucky Charms. I just pointed out the striking parallels. Lucky Charms are a de facto upgrade to Corn Flakes and their purchase proves Mommy really loves little Sally.
  3. This thread has turned into aisle 4 at a local grocery store where a kid is threatening to hold his breath if his mom doesn’t buy him that box of Lucky Charms.
  4. Leader of the pact? Well if we don’t get this done after being leader of the pact we might also lose some self of steam.
  5. He hurt his leg getting up from the chair after signing.
  6. Odd. I find yours lack a lot of desirable corrections.
  7. I think baseball is improving it’s marketing and agree with much of your quote. No doubt MLB has had many missteps. The actual sport of baseball is as great as it ever was. The biggest problem is one they cannot solve. Most Americans currently have the attention span of a gnat.
  8. Not that I’m above being the grammar police, but in the OP’s defense I find that to be a frequent and frustrating autocorrect.
  9. What kind of horse head is good for a birthday party? Clydesdale?
  10. We’re famous. Google and Wikipedia will now link here every time someone searches “TL;DR”.
  11. Just more bashing of Oliver and Davis and imagination land for what Hopkins has left.
  12. Why not Courtland Sutton. Double wrong player shell game.
  13. Out 8 games for juicing, How do juicers usually do after they’ve been caught?
  14. Ooooh I’m in the minority. There are so many flaws in your “logic” that it is impossible to enumerate them without exceeding the limits of whatever server this thing is running on. Here are the highlights: Oliver is under contract. If it is so obvious to you he is not worth his contract and you are in fact correct, it just might be equally obvious to prospective trade partners who happen to be. NFL GMs. Your assumption that Oliver departing means one of those receivers arriving is based on literally nothing. Is it plausible to you that the two things are unrelated? By your own player evaluation, which I’ll grant you is faulty at best, Oliver is a viable player. When you jettison a viable player, it creates a hole. Your answer to this is “Um, somebody”……paraphrased, not an actual quote. Your evaluation of WRs seems to be based on draft position, performance from the distant past, or I don’t know what….maybe Madden….but your evaluation is faulty. Trading for Jeudy is a giant risk, while trading for Hopkins is like straight up cutting Oliver. Oliver also serves a viable role to this board as pariah after the departure of Frazier and Edmunds, if he goes, I fear that will fall to Tre White and I really like Tre. Admittedly this is a personal bias of mine.
  15. Try to keep up. Oliver is a viable player under contract, even if some don’t think it matches his draft slot years ago. Dumping him creates a hole on a team wishing to contend. The same is true of Tua. The same is not true of Bush or Josh Rosen, thus they were not mentioned.
  16. Where he was drafted is no longer relevant. What matters is whether he contributes to the team. Are you saying if he had been drafted in the 5th then we should keep him for 2023? Other than a cap figure, which is Beane’s job, not yours,, how does that make any sense at all? Tua was 5 overall or something like that. He hasn’t lived up to that. Should the fish just dump him with no plan for succession? That would leave us pariahless.
  17. After we trade Oliver and dump Gabe Davis, who will be our next villain. My money is on the combo of Spencer Brown and Tre White but Who knows?
  18. Lol you gave a rudimentary reason for Oliver being subpar and then forgot this reason in five minutes. But you’re solid on not only our answer via trade but how this should be achieved? Shirley, At least according to reports, Jeudy would cost more in draft capital than Diggs did and he would have to be extended soon. According to your GMing it would also create a hole in the DL. Spoiler alert: Jeudy would be hurt again by week 3. I’ll pass.
  19. Evans is one thing but Jeudy and Hopkins are high $, and low durability/production. For me, I think the salary cap jockeys on a message board are silly. That’s Beane’s job. Equating Oliver to a WR acquisition based on salary cap stuff is something for Madden.
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