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Posts posted by 4merper4mer

  1. OK, admittedly it raining, windy as hell, cold and I can't get out fishing.


    Nevertheless, I have a bone to pick with the evolution of the word bring and the almost total extinction of the word take. For example, bring is a word used by a speaker when he/she is at the destination place, e.g., "Bring it when you come over tomorrow" or when the listener is at the place of destination, "When you come over, bring it with you." For some reason, the word bring is used currently when neither the speaker nor the listener is at the place of destination, e.g., "Bring it to the doctor this afternoon" when the proper way to say that sentence is, "Take it to the doctor this afternoon." Awkward construction appears to rule the day here in the 21st Century in the context of these two words.


    Look, I'm old and cranky, so don't B word about my posts!


    Take what to the doctor this afternoon?

  2. I know I said I was done here but I also have to defend myself. Read what you just wrote. Slowly and especially the bolded part. Now it's your turn to explain why a bunch of guys and gals that are just playing music SHOULD be treated as Gods? For God's sake (pun unintended) the girls screamed so loudlu for the Beatles you couldn't hear the band. That's just a bit over the top don't you think? And here's the funniest part. Most all of the so called gritty down and dirty R&R musicians would cringe at their icon status and consider that reverence as overrated.


    And finally my opinion is just that. And if having an opinion that is contrarian makes me a troll then there are a shitload of trolls on this board.


    FWIW I did a GvG on this and the big man agrees more with Jim than he does with Mr. Wawwrowrowwrow on this. And the big man tends to be a pretty big fan of music.

  3. I call it more 'suspension of disbelief'. She's got one hell of a horse face.


    I have to give her some credit along with her male co-stars. I mean she is BUTT UGLY and she goes around in these Hollywood hits with all these men chasing after her. She is completely hideous yet somehow.....that's talent. I mean in that Batman movie she had two guys chasing after her and the Joker even seem mildly interested. Everyone said how great the Joker did in that movie and I agree but all three of those guys acted like she was pretty.....Bravo.

  4. Well the story would have appeared in Penthouse Forum, not a news outlet.


    Do they still even publish Penthouse Forum?


    I think I read somewhere that they are only going to publish it until the last active subscription runs out. It is usually displayed on the shipping label so when next month's issue arrives please let us know the expiration date. The last issue might be a collector's item.


    As for the lawsuit I am usually not a fan of Ms. Allred or her clients but in this particular case I don't think "hundreds of thousands" cuts it at all. I think this one pays off bis and it should.

  5. sharing the resources. It's not either/or. You can incentivize hard work without starving people. The carrot is mightier than the stick. But does it need to be such a huge carrot for so few?


    Did the time machine talk about who gets to control the carrot and the stick? I'm sure they will be very trustworthy since it is such an important job.


    The Eddie Murphy character wasn't randomly picking stocks, he was picking commodities. And it wasn't random, he was using his street smarts and understood how the market changes, based on the time of year.



    I get that but I didn't want to get to detailed and complicated given that there are some people that post here that might not understand. For Pete's sake there are even a couple of Canadians.


    Anyway, the point is that it is easy to make money. One minute Eddie Murphy is begging and has fake fake legs and the next he is rolling in dough and romancing a moderately classy hooker.

  6. dude, you're so literal that you're not.


    I don't get it.


    But anyway I had your back man. All Tom said was "No" but you said Star Trek said that in the future rich people will be like totally uncool. Just out of curiousness was it Kirk or Picard?


    Also plus I remember seeing a movie called Trading Places when Dan Ackroyd got poor and Eddie Murphy got rich proving anyone could just get tons of money as long as someone gives them the chance to randomly pick stocks. We'll call that exhibit 2.


    Us 2

    Tom 0

  7. no, my argument has startling but actual statistics: http://www.wfp.org/hunger/stats. but what s a few hundred million humans dying of starvation compared to a few million stables of exotic cars and homes?


    Dude I didn't type that crap about a time machine, you did.


    Did that Star Trek episode get into how the time machine originally got built in the first place? Was there any investment that came from someone who had accumulated wealth?

  8. Conclusion 3: I am disappointed, because what I had planned to do with this didn't happen. However, I am also encouraged, because the 2 posters I knew would show up to consume this "product", performed exactly as expected.



    I mean really...."loin cloth"? Is there a better bait in this world for Crayonz, or Tom?



    I was sitting there last night, drunk as I am right now, thinking "how do I deal with Telepathic on a linear level, but also bait the trap with raw chicken? I know, anthropology, for Tom, and anything that has loin cloth in it is almost certain to attract Crayonz, how could it not?"


    I say again: I've had your number, for years.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (And that is 7 emoticons, which is the appropriate # for a post this size) All glory to me, all FAIL for you!


    This requires another beer....and those of you watching? Please draw a beer for yourselves...and put it on my tab, if we ever meet.


    So you were sitting there last night thinking about how do you bait the trap with raw chicken and loin cloths so that everyone thinks you baited the chicken with loin cloths but it was really Tom or me but Tom didn't make his prediction until after he made his prediction which was made after the original post but before your trip to the Blue Oyster. Or something.


    You and Mr. Wawwwrowwrworow should start a thread where only the two of you are allowed to post and only when you're drunk. We could call it "Incoherent".

  9. I'm pretty sure you're the only one that considers Bachmann "central." Everything I've read today, and everything I've ever heard from Bachmann, indicates she's a fringe nutjob the likes of...McKinney. Or you could compare committee seats - McKinney sat on the Armed Services Committee and the International Relations Committee. Bachmann, the Financial Services Committee and Select Committee on Intelligence (ironically). By the simple, objective measure of their relative positions and leadership in Congress, if you want to call Bachmann central, McKinney would have to be considered even more central to the Democratic Party.


    Either way, comparing McKinney to Bachmann is some sort of false equivalence only in your own pointy little head.


    Remember that this is the same guy who essentially made Jerry Sandusky out to be Tom Robinson.....for months.

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