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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I thought this thread was about the worthless receiver from Arizona, but now it’s about a worthless and completely silly crusade.
  2. If I put a butcher’s head up your ass that warranty won’t mean anything.
  3. Lol a disaster is now defined as disagreeing with magazines? What If the Panthers draft Levis or Richardson at 1 and the selection becomes the best QB in the NFL. Allen over Rosen was also a disaster at the time.
  4. Who here thinks Avi Loeb is a complete idiot?
  5. Did anyone check their rooms? McDaniel may have serial killed them.
  6. Hmmmm 17 tweets 49 times. Could this be a clue? 17 clearly points at Josh Allen who is still here but 49 points at Edmunds who is gone. Allen had a connection to Edmunds as they came in together and reportedly were friends. Allen would have a connection to Hopkins as WR/QB. So to complete the triangle there needs to be a connection between Edmunds and Hopkins. Could it be the hair? I think it’s the hair.
  7. It’s all so absurd but I have to admit Juice Scruggs is a cool name.
  8. Maybe his unplugging had to do with him fabricating components of the Araiza circus in gotcha attempts directed at Beane. Or maybe other crap he’s pulled.
  9. Lol you’ll withhold judgement until September. Next sentence……..judgement.
  10. What “legit reporter” would use the phrase “reportedly likely”? The kind that failed 4th grade English? And it wouldn’t have been expensive to trade up and get Williams? How many parallel dream worlds are we living in?
  11. No. Just more amazed at people that think running an NFL team is easy and that Beane purposely wants to avoid winning the Super Bowl. 1. I doubt any of the Twitter crap is 100% accurate 2. People use Twitter report 1 to bolster their opinion but ignore Twitter report 2 because it refutes their opinion……I don’t really trust either one. An example of this is the cost for Hopkins being too high for KC but somehow we should do “whatever it takes”. Nobody knows the asking price of either the Cardinals or Hopkins…..but we should meet it. Should Beane also buy a used 1988 Honda Civic for $4,326,419.37 because that’s what the dealer wants? Combine points 1 and 2 and there is some really stupid stuff that gets posted. People claiming they have the proper Bills personnel strategy figured out are wrong.
  12. We’re waiting for you to be hired as GM. It’s gonna be a long wait.
  13. The Chiefs are brilliant for this I suppose…. but the Bills should give up three firsts?
  14. Not exactly what I am saying……Graham may or may not know something of importance here, but there is no way to discern that as he has demonstrated a willingness to twist words and straight up lie to make himself look better.
  15. Tim Graham may be correct on this particular topic but has clearly demonstrated his willingness to fabricate for attention. Taking that guy at his word is a mistake. Again, he may very well be correct about this, but his propensity to grab attention makes that less than certain.
  16. I like Granato but no Dahlin in the shootout is grotesquely stupid.
  17. True for half the board. For the other half…..this morning he was not worth the $ but now he’s a missed opportunity
  18. Beane should stomp his feet and demand Arizona throw in some magically delicious breakfast cereal and then give up five firsts.
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