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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Although this turned out to be the case, it wouldn’t have been the only scenario plausible for making the trade with Jax. Another possibility was that two teams, the Bills plus one….maybe the Chiefs….we’re in a bidding war for the Jax pick knowing they both wanted the same player. It could have been the Chiefs trying to jump the Bills and the Bills blocking that…..it wasn’t, but it could have been.
  2. But he did predict that the sun would rise in the East and that you would complain about our pick.
  3. Update to the update: Any team in the NFL could trade any one of their players during the NFL draft.
  4. Nice of you to give them a full 5 minutes on draft night before you start in with your incessant whining.
  5. Update: 1. I was obviously right as the Hooker hype train has pulled out of the station and is barreling down the tracks…..but maybe at too fast of a clip. 2. The top option remains trading the pick for Hooker hopefully after a bidding war but my guess is he will be taken or a similar trade will happen before 27. 3. It would be amazing if the Bills traded up to say 20 and then instantly leveraged 20 to a team that wants Hooker for more return than what we had just given up…. that’s a fun but very unrealistic scenario. 4. The second option of selecting Hooker if he is there and holding him hostage has drastically increased IMO. Why let the Chiefs reap the reward at 31 which you know they would look to do? It’s an hour plus wait, maybe even until tomorrow, but it would almost certainly pay off. 5. If Beane feels Hooker is indeed BPA at 27 but would need to stay on the roster then do it. It would likely kill our top pick this year; I get that and it is a tough pill to swallow but the potential return trading Hooker a year down the road is robust. Also since the OP a lot has changed with Allen. I’m sure Beane knows more than us but with Josh’s ex nowhere to be seen…..if there is any chance at all this has become a Scott Peterson situation, you can’t risk the rest of the roster long term on Kyle Allen. Summed up, unless someone they REALLY love slides, if Hooker isn’t taken by 26, they have to use ALL of their leverage. In a manner of speaking once 26 is off the board, the Bills will then have the number one over all pick in their hands. Use it.
  6. Don’t tell me we’re taking some Jayhawks power forward and converting him to TE.
  7. Winning? Hopkins eats cap, gets hurt, gets suspended for PEDS and has never won anything.
  8. He’s reading this board then making up crap. I’m surprised he hasn’t worked in Davis and Oliver yet.
  9. IIRC Johnny was very upset when Leo Durocher stole this two sport athlete and future HR king. Rashee Rice will have one of the two best careers of WRs in this draft.
  10. Bellichick had one and it was an actual pick, not just a mock. And he’ll be in the HOF
  11. Jamison Crowder not getting hurt is like the sun not setting in the West. Not sure why you’re laughing at a guy that was clearly an important piece in a two decade long wait for relevancy.
  12. Lol You left out: Colts pre-Luck records before they were losing on purpose The undeniable fact that his record was on the back of the worst division in the history of football In 2017 the Colts winning pct was better without a luck than with him. Manning going to Denver and getting to two Super Bowls……a game that the Colts never sniffed with or since Luck Many games choked away with brain farts If you joined the Luck cult don’t let his career of insignificance and underachievement again DT expectation sway you. Cults were meant to be lifelong commitments.
  13. I took the liberty of adding a little at the end of your quote. The point is that there is really no way to be certain….all you can do is your best. Even when some things appear to be beyond doubt, like the mental aspects of Young’s game, you don’t know until you get there. Davis Webb is widely seen as a future guru and likely had much of this mental capacity in college but clearly didn’t have everything else required.
  14. In the first two pages I saw six shots taken at the church holding the event. You seem to be implying that somewhere in the thread that people were either advocating for that specific church or another one. I didn’t see that by the middle of page three so gave up looking. Where did it start? Why did you not consider people taking preemptive shots at a church as “going south” but people defending or advocating for a church is “going south”?
  15. Spoiler alert: Luck was the most overhyped player in the history of football, especially from the mental aspect of the game. He had physical talent for sure and seemed like an awesome dude and teammate but he got jitters in big spots and made dumb plays. This was proven on several occasions and his early departure showed he just didn’t have the will to win a truly great QB needs. That’s not a knock on him as a person. The entire league was fooled. The Colts actually ditched the greatest player in franchise history for him and eventually it put them into a still swirling tailspin. Yet somehow to this day there is a large cult like group that will claim he was a success. Also **** or get off the pot is a common phrase in America. Even Canadians use it but they say “Poop quick or your behind will freeze on the outhouse”.
  16. Josh’s girlfriend. Try to keep up. Somebody deleted her Twittergram
  17. The missing person thing is the connection. It’s almost always the significant other.
  18. This thread makes more sense than 99 percent of the Hopkins crap.
  19. His lack of team focus has harmed franchises. I think that stinks but we can certainly agree to disagree.
  20. Shirley you can’t be serious but if you are I am sorry to break the rules you’ve taken it upon yourself to impose on the thread. In an effort to comply, I’ll simply ask you to supply a list of acceptable names to classify as busts. I figure if Gabbert isn’t on the list it must be really short. Thanks in advance.
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