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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Let’s objectively analyze the approaches taken by both the Underpants gnomes and by you. We can define #3, profit, the same way for both. I’ll even give the Oliver crowd a bit of a break as I think you should, Profit is revenue-cost. We'll get to that in a minute as although I think you’re calculating the cost of Oliver correctly from a technical standpoint, you are calculating it incorrectly from a practical standpoint. Given the definition of profit we’re employing we can proceed. Step 1 Underpants Gnomes: Step 1 for the gnomes is stealing underpants. This establishes the cost of the underpants as near zero. The only costs involved are the labor expended on the theft and the cost of the inventory. In the episode, the gnomes look as if they have nothing better to do than steal the underpants and they appear to live in large caves with plenty of space and no rent so the inventory cost is negligible. In effect their cost is zero. You: You’ve established our cost of Oliver as the first round pick we used, his 2023 cap hit plus the third round comp pick we won’t get if we trade or release him. Releasing him gets us nothing in return for those costs other than the cap hit relief. In order to profit from a trade, the value you seek needs to exceed your established cost. I’d argue that you should not include the first round status as part of your cost because we’ve already received three years of play in return. You don’t feel that play has been up to snuff, but even if it is a bad return, it is still a return. In addition, we cannot go back in time and undo the pick. Those costs are what is known as “sunk”. I think in establishing whether a trade is “profitable” it should only be required to exceed the value of a 2024 3rd rounder plus the lost production we’d get from Oliver in 2023. Step 2 Underpants gnomes: They appear clueless about how to proceed and achieve profit. The obvious choice would be to sell the underpants and take whatever money they could get. It would probably be a small number, but given the zero cost, a 100% margin. Their problem is there isn’t really a market for used underpants. If I were a management consultant employed by the gnomes I’d point out that they have already resorted to theft, which is wrong, but as long as they were doing that, they should steal piggy banks instead of underpants. This way they could skip step 2 altogether. I would congratulate the gnomes on their objective and enthusiastic approach to their business despite its current lack of success. Perhaps some day they will find a solution. You: if you agree that the cost of Oliver is a 2024 third plus his potential 2023 production, we can proceed. When Oliver is gone we instantly receive the opportunity to repurpose his cap $ for 2023 so that would be at least part of the return. I think you’re saying we could get more production from the use of those $ on other players either traded for or signed than from Oliver. You haven’t named any players that I’ve seen but we can leave that to the side. You haven’t named a team that would take Oliver and pay more than the 2024 third we’d already get. You can’t really give an example of a player that has garnered more. As a matter of fact, the most recent trade of a player in Oliver’s age range and relative status was D’Andre Swift, who netted a 2025 4th. You’ve also left out how we’d utilize the $ saved on Oliver. In a way you have more ??????? than the gnomes but still require higher standards. If I were a management consultant employed by you, I’d quit. Overall summary: Both you and the Underpants Gnomes want to achieve profit and neither can figure out how. The gnomes have stalled in their attempt. They realize they are stalled but continue to enthusiastically try to solve their problem. You have a conundrum similar to the gnomes as there is no real solution to the problem as you’ve defined it. In your own words, rather than maintaining enthusiasm in the pursuit of an answer, you’ve resorted to emotionally “pounding the table”. I’d say neither you nor the gnomes are likely to achieve your goals without resetting them or changing the approach. It appears the gnomes have a better chance at success because of their slightly better use of logic and immensely better attitude. Just my opinion though.
  2. Meaning the clueless trade Oliver clan has no realistic plan.
  3. It lists the Titans there twice. Is that real or maybe an either/or situation?
  4. We have an advantage being an east coast team. Some teams have to wait 3 hours while we sign these guys.
  5. I’m saying I think there is a good chance Kincaid was scouted and on the Bills radar for a long time. Regarding Williams I think you might be on to something but more so because the Bills were reportedly keyed in on Spears.
  6. Kincaid was seen by some as a top 10 prospect. Possibly top 5 if you ignore QBs. He was generally seen as the top TE. The Bills certainly must have been looking at TEs as one of their top 3-4 needs. But they stumbled upon Kincaid because they were watching Addison? Shirley.
  7. I’ll take “What does Hochul’s chauffeur say when he drives her home from the Mexican restaurant” for $500 Alex.
  8. I’ll take things that can be easily predicted for $500 Alex.
  9. And we go right ahead and pick someone shorter. Typical
  10. It was an experiment to see how long it would take you to complain.
  11. You’re like a clown show. You keep coming out of the car looking more silly every time. There is a reason they didn’t simply keep McKenzie and give him say 3m per year. 100 reasons actually. If he’s a better player than Harty then they would have done that. Not one team in the league got anywhere near that level. Several teams were in on Harty.
  12. Would 2 years 9 million vs. 1 year 1 million indicate to you that a vast majority, if not a unanimous group of NFL teams value Harty higher than McKenzie? If not, why did McKenzie settle for that? If so, how do all 32 NFL teams miss what you so easily see?
  13. It’s not what I believe. It’s what the market believes. And the market apparently believes you are completely clueless, purposely negative, or both. THH that checks out.
  14. Since you’ve been relegated to hard to understand seemingly personal attacks I guess I should try to help you out by utilizing facts. The Bills signed Harty to two years, 9+M. The Colts signed McKenzie to 1 year, <1M. Do you think these numbers are in any way a reflection of the overall marketplace for these two players or are the Bills just throwing money around while McKenzie is at the same time oblivious to his own value?
  15. I have to believe that if the Bills had their TV on and spotted Addison with his pink suit and clown glasses, their board changed.
  16. Incredible in depth analysis of a guy whose name you didn’t bother to look up.
  17. Everyone’s weight stays completely static for their entire life so you nailed this take.
  18. What year is this post from? Oh wait, every year.
  19. Or maybe he doesn’t want to dump 19M on a washed up roid guy.
  20. Are you trying to say Beane is immortal? PleSe join the crowd or be labeled an apologist.
  21. But but but his point about Tyler Kroft. You’re leaving that out.
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