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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. A GMs job is to put a winning roster on the field. Most teams that hire a new GM are pretty bad so judging the first year seems unfair. The Bills record including playoffs after Beane’s first year is 51-22. This clearly shows why this thread is four pages already. Too many blunders to count. Ok I’ll toss out the crazy NE wind game, the Cardinals fluke and I’ll pin the 13 seconds. That is still 19 losses. How many other GMs have assembled losing rosters 19 times? That is A LOT of blundering.
  2. Exactly correct on Josh, McDermott and the OP. I’ll add that the concussion was the result of obvious uncalled targeting which can happen in or out of the pocket.
  3. Lol averaged 80 yards a game…….in the games that he played. And oooh…. 3 touchdowns. 20M for that? Brilliant. That’s two more than Tommy Doyle’s entire career. Guys he needed the roids to recover from injuries which do not exactly tend to decrease after 30 and if he uses the roids again….. boom full season.
  4. Lol the other thread is only 300 pages because of the wishful thinkers. Meanwhile Beane is being smart by not signing this washed up roidster. The Bills aren’t signing this guy. He will end up on some bad team making a lot of money. Bears? Washington? Indy?
  5. His is aging and stopped being healthy He never pouted……except when he pouted. He cheated….but everybody cheats and he is one of a few who got caught.
  6. Not sure where the drop off theory is coming from? How about what you said? He’s 30, played only 8 games last year and got caught cheating trying to heal. None of that raises any red flags?
  7. He’s getting older, getting hurt and cheating. Let’s pay him tons. Wooo hooo
  8. This thread is not about aliens of the Canadian variety which we all realize exist. It is about intelligent and communicative off planet aliens which simply do not exist. Math is undefeated and will remain so at least until it’s inevitable showdown with Father Time. Canadians can’t check the box for off planet and arguments about communicative and intelligent are definitely a topic for debate but not really in this thread.
  9. Awesome. Keep in mind that I’ll still root for anyone the Bills sign unless they somehow cross sports and sign Jack Eichole. That’s off the table.
  10. Hopkins doesn’t draw a lot of coverage while he is hurt, pouting or suspended for roids…..which is a lot…..but his contract burns cap anyway.
  11. Lol you saw the original report when it came out. A year later NYT misrepresents what was alleged in it and you rely on that? Geez dude.
  12. @Mr. WEO will have the go fund me link for the Patriots defense fund here shortly so don’t fret.
  13. His captaincy has been important and one more year makes a ton of sense to me.
  14. Not really but continue thinking that I guess.
  15. How is her lawyer saying something which may or may not be true…..and possibly leaving other details out, better than his lawyer doing the same type of thing? I can’t be confident I KNOW much about this case but I KNOW they both have idiots for lawyers. Words like “final” and “absolutely” have nuanced meanings to Doc.
  16. WEO + objective truth > everyone else + provably false statements
  17. Dude whatever. You stated something that was 100% false. Own it. It doesn’t really matter how many people believed it. It was false. The only demonstrated fact about the Haack cut is that Haack was no longer a viable option for the Bills. ALL of the rest is speculation/probables. I could list some probables that refute yours but there really isn’t a point, The probables I’d list actually came to pass….admittedly with the benefit of having hindsight….but your probables, stated as facts by you, proved untrue. In this thread I am frustrated that he is making me agree with you. I stress that it only in this thread and I will not be coming around on your assertion that “the deflator” is a common weight loss nickname.
  18. No I don’t watch snuff films and no I’m not deranged. Pictures of cake taken from her phone aren’t exactly evidence that her whereabouts is known.
  19. I don’t have an obsession. The point is that Peterson’s girlfriend/wife went missing then she was presumed dead, then he became a suspect, then evidence began to mount against Peterson himself, then more was found, then he was arrested/convicted/jailed. Right now Britt is just missing but these patterns aren’t exactly uncommon. Just watch Forensic Files. If you think phase one of this cycle is distracting to Allen, then phase 3 will be a doozy.
  20. This is a good defensive position to take if that squirrelly Miami coach ever tries to serial kill you.
  21. Why imply something you can just as easily state? You straight up said he made the final roster, which is false. Nobody stopped you from saying he “would have made” the final roster which, while still an opinion and never a fact, was at least a defendable position. You didn’t. My use of the word “maybe” acknowledges the Carolina statement was opinion. Leaving it out would have made it seem as if I was calling it a fact. This is how languages work. Words have meanings which when used properly communicate ideas. When used improperly they cause misunderstandings, confusion or incorrect conclusions. When Tim Graham stated that there was a “direct quote” from Araiza he was demonstrably wrong and personally I can’t think of a reason other than stupidity, agenda or antagonism. Being better than Tim Graham is a pretty low standard I’d hope we could all achieve even when we disagree.
  22. If he thought HAVING a girlfriend was a distraction he should ask Scott Peterson whether having a girlfriend disappear eventually leads to any distractions.
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