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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. There are a lot of things we don’t understand….sure. But there are also a lot of things that we do understand. And those things….math….provide enough information from which we can draw conclusions.
  2. If you’re going to apply that standard so be it. But don’t turn around and say it’s impossible mathematically to win the Powerball 50,000 times in a row. If you call that realistic doubt we can disagree.
  3. It only took one massively stupid team to waaaaaaaaay overpay OBJ. I have to believe there is another massively stupid team out there.
  4. No offense taken. If people that choose to ignore math think I’m an idiot then so be it.
  5. This reminds me of accidentally creating an infinite loop in Basic programming class.
  6. You fired the first shot with the “more people think you’re an idiot” salvo, I just hit the ball back over the net. No worries; I’m confident having math on my side even if the majority agrees with you.
  7. Dude have a little pride. Just because your wife calls it “the needle” doesn’t mean you have to follow suit.
  8. We shouldn’t really care if people think we’re idiots or if they take veiled shots framed as quantity of detractors having meaning. FWIW I don’t think you being incorrect about this topic makes you an idiot nor do I consider you an idiot at all. There isn’t a person on Earth that is right about everything. Avi Loeb, however, is an idiot. Your stealing Mike’s schtick now?
  9. Update…..Anyone could have made up this crap with 17 seconds of thought. Wherever Hopkins signs you can point back to this and say you told us so. The good news is @Warriorspikes51 believes you anyway.
  10. If your point is that he’s not an idiot because he’s cashing in on fooling dupes into believing aliens exist then you have a right to that opinion. Me, I think making oneself look like a fool either organically or in pursuit of money qualifies as idiocy.
  11. I hope Hailee isn’t basically Amber Frey.
  12. Rex won the off-season 100 times. We should get him and his cool truck back.
  13. We’re we the first 13-3 team that ever “spiraled”?
  14. Other thread locked at 282 pages and there is a rule against combining page totals.
  15. Well we got several good years out of Diggs already and he is under contract so while I hope he doesn’t decline, I have to acknowledge the possibility. Why double your risk especially when Diggs health and non-cheating record is already better than Hopkins?
  16. Terry Glenn and Keyshawn both declined rapidly when they hit their decline.
  17. Got any stats on Paul Warfield or James Lofton or any other guys who played 1000 years ago? It’s a different game. Guys like Eric Moulds had mostly bench their first few years. Hopkins jumped in right away and has already shown signs his health is declining.
  18. Translation: 6 games for cheating, 2 for pouting. And Andy Dalton is not correct.
  19. Count your blessings. The Tim Graham comparison could be looming.
  20. Perhaps you don’t get my meaning. When AJ Green moved on to the Cardinals he was largely useless to them and his production plummeted. That is what I meant by part 2. Hopkins is on the verge of that. He has had a terrific career. What he has done in the past will not count for whichever team signs him.
  21. Shirley you can’t be serious. 1. You have to qualify your argument as one with the benefit of hindsight. Even if taken at face value it is pointless to do this. With hindsight in mind why not do this for the entire 53 man roster? What is your actual point? 2. After hindsight is infused you’d STILL have to assume a smooth transition with Jefferson walking into a spot where he immediately had to be the 1.
  22. Do you have a parallel universe machine? If so does it guarantee a rookie WR would have developed the same way under an inexperienced QB and that said rookie was polished enough to help the QB develop? In hindsight, getting Allen a proven vet was a far better choice. If it’s Adams and a trade, there may be less KC discussion because of the rivalry.
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