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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. You hush up. The narrative here is that we missed our chance to get Sean Payton. At least Ben Johnson is still available and some people think he is really cute.
  2. Nick Sirianni next on the chopping block? Shanahan?
  3. Because you were spoiled as a child? Because you have an inability to grasp reality? Because you’ve watched too many movies and expect a perfect ending to everything always? Because you’re trolling? There are probably other options out there but a combination of the above has a 99.782% chance of being the cause.
  4. I think the Eagles are seemingly the most obvious choice and I think the 49ers are probably the second choice. I don’t like the 49ers because Purdy is assumed to be a very good QB but IMO that is faaaaaaaaaar from certain. Lance could be the the redeemer but is also far from certain. I think it’s boring to just say Eagles in a walk so I think I’ll say the Lions challenge them and the Panthers make a surprise run…..but the Eagles prevail.
  5. But none of them achieved their goal. Are 80% of owners ignorant of the goal?
  6. Try mixing in a salad once in a while.
  7. 1. NFL eliminates the salary cap 2. Minnesota offers Jefferson straight up 3. Secret love letters to Kirk Cousins are found in Diggs locker Other than that, I think this thing is a go.
  8. What if I told you Eball played cornerback in High School?
  9. I partially agree with that Tweet. It’s author equates it with adventure and climbing Everest. Others in this thread have compared it to capsized migrants. The tweet notes the aura of the Titanic being the cause for increased attention. The posts here cite the financial well being of the passengers. That’s where I disagree with both. Although I agree that on a per capita basis this event has received a lot of attention, I don’t agree with their theories on why. Unfortunately people die on Everest frequently and that is also true for migrants in boats or on land. What separates this event is its unusual nature. There are new things involved that no one has read about before. Game controllers….close quarters….and so on, I’ll also concur that the Titanic component adds to the story. IMO that is why it is getting the press. Stories about migrants and climbers have been done before. It certainly doesn’t make their lives less valuable it just makes articles harder to write with some sort of new spin. Attribute that to laziness of the press or the consumer, but this story is the shiny object du jour.
  10. If someone ate a rich dude, wouldn’t the rich dude have had an untimely death? That Tweet contradicts itself.
  11. “Play stupid games get stupid prizes” is not mockery? What is it? Empathy? Indifference?
  12. That some might find mocking people who died a horrific death distasteful should have gone without mentioning distasteful but alas. If you have an issue with the media’s comparative coverage then perhaps there is a way to say that without turning your anger and mockery toward the deceased. As far as I’m aware, they are uninvolved in the decision making process of the media.
  13. And the 600 migrants you mentioned were being smart? Did they deserve their prize too? No one should be able to force you to think or not think in a certain way. It seems you’re taking glee in some peoples horrific death because they were rich. That’s your prerogative. It’s my prerogative to find that pathetic and sad…..which I do.
  14. If they were just regular idiots and not rich would you care?
  15. Only if one of us was drunk 24/7, a jerk to everyone everywhere and thought of ourself as the smartest person to ever live.
  16. Your statements about goals and success are demonstrably incorrect and by definition in conflict with each other. Bad analogies and projections of your youthful failures don’t change that. Are you now saying that if McDermott makes the Super Bowl or AFCCG and lost he should be retained? How about if these coaches fail to make conference championship: Salah Taylor Pederson Staley Reid Adding in McD there are six coaches in the AFC with franchise QBs. Maybe more depending on your assessment of Lamar, Tua, Deshaun, Wilson. I’m willing to bet you that no more than two coaches from that list make the AFCCG this year. Should the rest be summarily dismissed? Are you willing to bet that three or more of the coaches above will make the championship game this year? Are you willing to bet that two or more will make the Super Bowl this year? If so, let me know the amount.
  17. I’m just asking the poster named after someone who is smart. He emphatically stated there is only one goal. He then called someone who had not achieved that goal “successful”. At least one of those statements is false.
  18. This Lions helmet has half the board convinced we should fire McDermott. I don’t agree but it’s the best logic they’ve used so far.
  19. How could Reid have been “far more successful” if the “only goal” is to win a Super Bowl and he hadn’t. He has one goal. He hasn’t reached it. How can someone else who also has only one goal be “less successful”? Because Ben Johnson is cute? Or something?
  20. Your two answers contradict each other. Only goal is win Super Bpwl. Reid is an exception because…….?????…….nonsense which directly contradicts a sentence typed four seconds earlier. Why aren’t there 31 coaches fired every year?
  21. Lol so you’re cool rolling the dice on Ben Johnson or whoever the cutest OC du jour might be if McD wins a ring elsewhere dragged or not? Gruden burned hot but he burned things down. Dungy, while not perfect, produced consistently good results. Kind of like Reid before Mahomes dragged him huh?
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