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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Kraft can do whatever he wants and his fan base full of mass hole reprobates can follow along. I realize you’re sad that the Bills will be staying in Buffalo but I admit to being confused as to why. I get that you worship the ground he gets massaged on but he’s only STILL trying to get the Bills moved for his own enrichment. Spoiler alert: he’s not giving you a dime. Do you really have to follow along with every little thing he does?
  2. At least he didn’t announce he was moving them to Hartford.
  3. If they were really reinforcing their reputation they would have given him a huge guaranteed contract.
  4. They have to clean and decorate the dorm rooms at Fisher for the vets.
  5. He also had beautiful hair. And he wasn’t very good. Terrance McGee had the greatest non-touchdown kickoff return in the history of football. Don Smith scored the first Super Bowl TD in Bills history.
  6. Ok so not everything. Only 95%? Called out by a Pats fan? Wow that hurts.
  7. It closed out the Saints. Seriously dude you come on here trashing everything about the Bills constantly. Who is the Pats best receiver? JuJu? It’s a joke.
  8. 6 is a number. It’s the number of points the Vikings were awarded for Diggs last second TD against the Saints. The story it tells is that the game had a different winner because of it.
  9. He’s a corner. Bill haaaaaaaaaaaaaates corners.
  10. Have you read a single thing written about this movie that indicates it in any way blames democrats or absolves republicans of a single thing involved? Don’t go see this movie or any movie if you don’t want to see it. I’ll just point out that making the statements you made above about people who have seen it is something that is better backed up rather that simply stated. Is wrongthink the correlation you draw to the actors? How did that wrongthink find its way into the movie? If it did, why haven’t even the negative reviews pointed out a single specific example? If there is no wrongthink in the movie and if is reasonably factual, what is the problem? There was a terrific documentary series on Netflix called “The Pharmacist” about OxyContin and the opioid crisis. A similar dramatization with Michael Keaton called “Dopesick” was about the same topic. Dopesick blamed members of both parties. The Pharmacist didn’t go so much into politics but documented the inaction of the bureaucracy. I thought both were well done although they still make me sad. I have no idea of the political affiliation of the actors, producers or financiers of either. The underlying topic is clearly a concerning one. I think the underlying topic of child trafficking is concerning as well.
  11. None of the above has anything to do with the movie itself. Not a thing. I’m sure there was dramatization but the core content itself is based on actual people and their stories. Why does the lead actor matter? Many actors have opinions on all sorts of topics. Some have even lost their marbles. One just shot a woman on set. How does that connect to their movies? Have you stopped watching Kevin Spacey movies? No more Christmas Vacation for you because Randy Quaid? Watching Harvey Weinstein productions off limits? I saw a rebuke of the movie in another review that called it political simply because it “overstated” the number of children being trafficked in today’s world. It offered no explanation of the claim. It made no statement about real trafficking numbers. It offered no opinion on what number was “acceptable”. It did not deny the reality of the movie’s main plot. Should the story be dismissed because of the politics of the lead actor or is that really sticking fingers in ears and singing la la la? Many, many of the best movies both biographical and fictional are about individuals overcoming odds for a good cause or personal redemption. Actors and actresses of all political stripes have contributed to these stories. No one is forced to see this or any movie but dismissing a movie, calling a movie “political” and backing up that claim with vapor is weak sauce.
  12. He’ll be a good pickup for Fantasy Football if you can get him in the 7th or later.
  13. The dude is lazy and I’m sure wholly uninterested in training camp. He wants $$$$$$$$$$$ and that’s all.
  14. Luck was more hyped for more time than LeBron. Leaf got a lot of run but for a relatively brief period.
  15. He was far worse than the press made him out to be. Far worse. Much like some reporters are constantly saying Josh will regress because they had a bad take on him and need to be right, they just kept saying Luck was great when he simply wasn’t. That W/L record came against the worst division in the history of football. If he makes the HOF they should just go ahead and close the place. Had he continued playing…..nobody knows for sure but I disagree with your assessment. He certainly wasn’t the worst QB ever, just the most overrated prospect ever.
  16. Most overrated prospect in the history of professional sports. He consistently messed up in big moments and was gifted the worst didvision in the history of football. It would diminish the value of those already in. If he gets in, Tony Mandarich might as well.
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