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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. You’re not rooting for Tre to fail, but make no mistake, a number of people are. They need a scapegoat and Tre is the Gabe Davis backup plan for some, For others he is the prime target. With Edmunds gone, there is a vacuum for an area to focus negativity. It was going to be Oliver but then he got signed. It has to be a reasonably prominent player so guys like Harty are out. Beane and McD are also prominent enough but not players. They will get hammered the minute we lose a game. Miller and Allen are immune and Diggs is for now. Those are really all of the potential candidates so it will focus on Gabe and White. White has been NOTHING but a humble team player with excellent performance from the moment he got here. He had a tough injury and is fighting his way back. Personally, I think all the signs are pointing in the right direction. But if he succeeds, watch out Stef….or Von. Allen is lucky he is the third rail because all this Hollywood crap and his Stay Puft marshmallow man look should really be reserved for post Super Bowl win hangover.
  2. IMO he will be fine and isn’t going anywhere. He seemed extremely upbeat on the sideline yesterday and the guy is an absolute pro.
  3. I thought he looked like a guy with a strong arm that made a bad play early and kept playing. He threw nice dropped TD as well.
  4. Personally I think Ateman is a made up name. ”I’ve been in the bathroom fourteen times today. I don’t know I ate man.”
  5. I agree he should have gotten a much longer sentence. I disagree that his sentence should be in part determined because he is a football player who has or could make a lot of money. I interpreted what you wrote as saying his earning potential should increase his sentence.
  6. Does Jan from Toyota only own one set of clothing?
  7. The Bills tend to favor those guys. It’s all Pozlusny had to offer.
  8. The cutaway guy in the Bob’s furniture studio could not possibly be more of a prototypical blowhard Bostonian know it all moron if he were wearing a Dave Cowens jersey.
  9. It is surprisingly fun watching them lose a preseason game.
  10. I’m pretty sure her life was impacted more than his life…..because her life no longer exists. For the love of Pete you can’t be real with that crap. While I agree passing judgement on anyone is folly, it is also important that as a society, we remove people like Ruggs from the general population in a way that sends a message. IMO that message should be we can’t afford to have our fellow citizens burned to death in their car so when you cause that to happen you will go away for a long time………so…….don’t. Thinking that Ruggs should go away for a long time is not “kicking him while he’s down”. All of the above is different than judging him as if we were the eyes of God. We should not do that. It’s not personal but he has to go.
  11. Not even WEO tried to defend the Pats on that one.
  12. So you’re saying “at least Ruggs wasn’t talking on his phone in Florida”? That would have been REALLY dangerous. Why do you need to know the average sentence is to decide whether you think 3 years for causing a person to burn to death is lenient? Spoiler alert: if it happens a billion times it’s lenient a billion times.
  13. I remember when we traded you guys that horrible center we signed from Cincy. I don’t remember his name but he was bad.
  14. I don’t know, but much of the team did early in the tournament.
  15. Personally I find it odd that someone would be able to play for their country while at the same time protesting the anthem. It’s a contradiction. No one is forcing a person to play. You decide to play for your country in front of the world….then you get up in front of the world and refuse to acknowledge the anthem of the country for which you just decided to play. It’s their right because they live in the US. IMO it’s an odd choice to represent something for which you have disdain.
  16. How about this……does Rapinoe drive as much revenue as Messi?
  17. .078 was an approximation but since the play below Rizzo has the lowest hitting metrics of any player in MLB. He has an Italian surname so I guess the Yanks had to leave him in. Worse than the Tua thing? Can’t be because we’ve been told in no uncertain terms that the Yankees are an extremely well run organization.
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