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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I don’t hate him. I loved him but you have to be realistic about his poor example, flailing work ethic, and bad hires. It’s disappointing.
  2. He’s not the only problem but he’s a problem. And so are the people he hired. And he’s the QB which I’m told is important.
  3. Ran for his life because he waited longer than Rob Johnson to throw.
  4. Never remotely threatened to score. Never looked like he gave a crap at all. But I get it, He’s popular and above any questioning. Like he’s from Pyongyang Yang or something.
  5. I agree with the list of positives. Add the penalties to the negatives. And how does Allen avoid that list? Are we in North Korea?
  6. Just spittin facts dude. Allen got famous and now the QB room and OC booth are filled with his buddies, to the detriment of the team. His off-season is split between between F1, movie stars and trying to become a movie star all while evidently not eating much healthy food.
  7. They should just leave the flag on the ground to save a little time.
  8. K Allen is buddy buddy with J Allen. As is Barkley. Josh came in a humble guy who seemed motivated to bring a championship to a small market team. He became a star and has commenced with the diva act. He may learn and adjust at some point down the road but it will probably get worse before it gets better.
  9. Net net is that the league decided last year that we’d have to wait a while. So we’ll wait a while. The Allen honey trap may or may not be part of it.
  10. If they can’t spell his name does the cut still count or will there be lawyers involved?
  11. Refs also practicing for the hosing we will get all year.
  12. The first series isn’t the issue. Cute Verizon commercial though.
  13. The best defense is a good offense. So maybe not spend his entire off season on self promotion and entertainment.
  14. No pass rush against Indy either. All wide routes which I hope is just preseason mentality.
  15. Josh Hollywood’s dropoff in focus isn’t to blame. It’s spending a few bucks on special teams. You’re a genius.
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