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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. For us to get him without a trade, not only would Philly have to ditch him, but all of the teams in front of us on the waiver order would have to pass. 20 something teams. Like an Isabella but for the defense. if we trade for him it might get interesting. If we pick him up off waivers it would be a very bad sign.
  2. Somewhat of a good sign that Josh has decided against a Hollywood look for the first time in a while.
  3. Wait. Are we talking about the 2023 Yankees thread, BV’s wife or Jason Peters?
  4. I’ll take sanctimonious Aaron Hernandez fans for $500 Alex.
  5. Fujinami is pitching. It’s a big draw. Oh wait, he got traded.
  6. Lol did you skip to rookie ball because of the bereft nature of AAA and AA? Their top ranked prospect is the #78 MLB prospect. Literally every team in baseball could write a puff piece like that about guys they just drafted. The Yankees are in big trouble for a long time unless they spend an absolute ton AND nail EVERY deal. Have other guys worn those numbers in the interim?
  7. Corrrect. This spells the end for ham and egger Isabella.
  8. He’s Italian. Why would they need to play Peraza at short when Volpe throws spicy meatballs like this to first? They topped it though by batting a guy who is literally hitting .098 with two on and two out down one in the 9th. Well run organization!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Infinite is a long time. The universe is not infinite as near as we can tell so I’ll go with no. If we’re taking “unimaginably long” rather than infinite I’ll make a gues. It seems to me that there are three possibilities: 1. “Cure” the aging process 2. Master replacing each and every one of the billions of moving parts that could cause moving toward death. 3. Find a way to transfer consciousness to synthetic devices. Items 1 and 3 seem far more likely/practical to me than item 2. Does either really fulfill the requirement though? A person who doesn’t age could still get hit by a bus. A synthetic device could still be subject to the need for energy. Overall I’ll go with this not being achieved but won’t call it impossible.
  10. Not at all. It’s just that speed can’t be the only component to someone’s game. Marquise Goodwin was far faster than this twerp and eventually learned that he needed more. Isabella is too small and weak to be and NFL player but boy would he tear it up in arena. All time great there. NFL? Ham and egger.
  11. Speed hasn’t proven to be useful to your hero in his “career” so far, has it? Maybe because he can’t use it when he’s laying on the ground or stumbling around after being thrown off his mark by NFL corners that actually play on Sunday.
  12. Speed is useful on returns and our return guy got run over by a boat. So far Isabella has not looked good on returns. Luckily for him, neither has anyone else. If another team doesn’t cut a viable return specialist, maybe he makes the team. The dude can’t play NFL football but he ran a fast 40 five years ago and has been overhyped ever since.
  13. Isabella is a ham and egger who has made a couple plays in preseason. He’s a proven failure in real NFL games. He’s a camp body that could’ve just as easily been N’Keal Harry. He’s not beating out any recent 5th rounder anywhere in the league because those guys haven’t proven themselves as failures yet.
  14. Following Josh’s lead? Josh got fat, went Hollywood, got to hire the OC and two backup QBs, either blankly stares at his iPad or laughs it up on the sidelines after bad series. Why wouldn’t his LT follow suit? It looks to me like Allen has lost his will to win or in his mind he has already won because he’s achieved his goal of money and fame. Maybe that’s why Stef was so pissed. My two takeaways were the above and that Kincaid and Gabe looked pretty good and Cook made me want Singletary back.
  15. I’ve noticed that the backup QB that plays against the 3rd team is better.
  16. A combination of things: Lens, cornea, pupil, iris, ciliary muscle, vitreous, choroid, retina, fovea, sciera, optic nerve and objectivity.
  17. I agree he has to be the 1 and is 100% key to our success. With that said, he has to be serious about all of it. Every player is susceptible to missing a game or two. If he can only communicate with Allen and Barkley because they are good at Fortnite or whatever, that is an issue.
  18. Agree with all of the above about Allen but it is all in the past. In the present he does not have the work ethic that drove all those things.
  19. I hope for his sake it’s a hyper extension but it looked rough.
  20. I’m assuming he didn’t eat right because he got fat. I also think Lance Lynn probably doesn’t eat right.
  21. He’s supposed to be the team leader. He hired the QB2 QB3 and OC. I’m supposed to worship him?
  22. It’s ok to believe your own eyes once in a while. You don’t always have to be told what you see.
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