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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. It is a smart move but at some point Miller has to be viewed as The Boy Who Cried Wolf”. He is constantly giving rosy pictures of every situation and he is wrong approximately 100% of the time.
  2. Shirley you can’t seriously think that.
  3. But a little extrapolation and he could have had 2300 Carrie’s for 7679 yards even accounting for wear and tear.
  4. Lol if the opposite signing was made you’d have the opposite opinion. It’s so easy.
  5. Even if he gets TJ it just means he won’t pitch until 2025. He will be back to hitting relatively early in 2024. Bryce Harper is doing it now and playing on defense. Ohtani is a DH.
  6. Probably Allen Schwartz, the 19 year old assistant to the Stabuck’s runner for the front office. The boss needs his coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Ok but he is portrayed as if he were totally worthless before that which is simply false.
  8. Let me see if I have this straight. No one was giving him 13M for one year but he lasted one day in FA and got 18*4? He must have been phenomenal in 2022????????
  9. Name sounds like he is cheese so probably goes to Green Bay.
  10. How many GMs per year assemble a roster that wins a Super Bowl? Of those GMs have they all had a perfect record of selecting and developing a perfect draft class……ever? Have the fan bases of those teams or other teams ever been wrong about draft selections or the pace of development for a draftee? For the love of Pete half of this board would have Andy Isabella as the answer to all our prayers.
  11. Applies to every team every year I every sport. Credibility goes from 0.3 to 0.9 on a scale of a trillion.
  12. Disappointing their way to 12+ win season after 12+ win season. A guy who has yet to start his second season if “evidence” for the ”I’d be a better GM that Beane” crowd. It’s a complete joke, but by all means keep believing you’re a savant while finishing seventh again in your fantasy football league because you draft guys like Andy Isabella.
  13. They will leave Edmunds alone once the new target is identified. We are in primary season but the general election is forthcoming. Candidates include: Elam…..leader in the clubhouse Davis Harty….because people will whine that the unemployed ham and egger Isabella would have been awesome White…..for reasons I do not begin to understand Brown but that’s probably too easy Dawkins McDermott Beane and more. The hate will eventually settle in and focus like a laser.
  14. Lol that wasn’t just the ball that ham and egger Isabella fumbled away and Johnson picked up. It was a roster spot.
  15. Until just now I thought a dude’s name was Ryan Van Denmark but there is no m for Denmark. It’s Van Demark.. I’m out.
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