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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Is anyone else worried about @SoCal Deek? He said he’d be right back. It’s been THREE hours!
  2. Dude the Germans didn’t bomb Pearl Harbor. That was the Japanese.
  3. I’ll summarize the counterpoint. Isabella………whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Oh he can too just sit here and cry.
  4. Your yearning for ham and egger Isabella is silly. You just got curb stomped in a discussion about Gilliam and you’re coming back for more? Shirley.
  5. Chipmunks do that too. You need to make sure they’d need to cross water to get back.
  6. But but but whaaaaaaaaa. We want the ham and egger.
  7. Spencer Brown would be better if he were allowed to blatantly hold on every play like the KC right guard does.
  8. I wonder if St. Brown will get fined for pretending to make little St. Browns in the celebration.
  9. Hasn’t everyone received the memo that Tre is a candidate to fill the criticism vacuum created when 49 signed with the Bears?
  10. Just let him go on about until everyone recognizes Alabama is more important to college football than Sagittarius A* is to the Milky Way.
  11. Does the helmet prevent professional success? You do realize that the only thing he has in common with those guys is a uniform.
  12. I thought you were from East Australia. Did you move there or did you move to Colorado from there?
  13. Their lineup with the younger guys is a little more balanced but it won’t be enough in the long run. And by in the long run I mean 2024 and 2025. 2023 is long gone.
  14. I think a more descriptive name for this thread would have been: ”Don’t click me unless you like puking up your breakfast”.
  15. McDavid 18 May pole Loafs 11 Rest of teams from Canada combined 2
  16. The interview was good. The only part that worried me was the Kincaid part. Seemed like he was building in reasons to ignore him and focus on his buddy Knox.
  17. 2023 Yankees. Oh wait never mind. Most of their players are crappy. I always mixed him up with Kelvim Escobar and I’m not sure why. Other than coming up around the same time they weren’t all that similar. I do wish the Chiefs would drop Mahomes Jr. and pick up Kelvim Escobar Jr. though. That would help.
  18. That’s something that is a 4 generation grudge. At least. You need to enforce it. Personally I will not acknowledge anyone with the last name Rendon until at least the 27th century.
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