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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Lol he appears to think Hollywood is the best place for him. Stop it. If Allen played terrible on Monday the Bills would have won. He played worse than terrible so they lost. It’s one game but that game was on him. Breece Hall stats. Shirley.
  2. The Broncos and their wonderful genius coach lost to Vegas. That’s pretty bad.
  3. HooooooooooooRAY for Hollllllllllllllywood!!!!!!
  4. Lol at your assumption that Pegula is guilty and digging into specific details of sentences when no one even knows if anything was actually said. But….. Kraft inquiry was a witch hunt even though he was filmed getting a happy ending.
  5. Maybe later. It was just so blatantly wrong that I felt the rest had to be biased. Pre-snap I thought it was a QB draw and thought it would work.
  6. I stopped reading at sack 2 because although I agree it was a designed run the portrayal of Allen having nowhere to go is way off. Although the Jet player 100% made a good play, Allen delayed his run too long. If he had been there a beat sooner, he is well past that Jet and headed for green pastures. Blaming that play on OL is disingenuous at best.
  7. I’d call your oline trust theory a maybe. Your part about fun is spot on. You say he’s not: Stupid: Clearly a smart guy but lots of smart guys do stupid things. He sure does. It’s fixable as described by you.. Will it be fixed? That’s the 64k question. Scared: Not in any way Selfish: maybe not intentionally but his behavior on Monday was one of the most selfish on field performances I can remember. All he had to do was play poorly in the second half and the Bills win. He couldn’t manage that. He just HAD to make those superstar throws every time he thought it was there. That is selfish behavior plain and simple. I think you’ve very accurately explained what CAN happen and that is also what SHOULD happen. I hope, but don’t think, that it WILL happen. There are two aspects to this. 1. Once he gets rid of the voices and sees success, it allows for the delusion of grandeur to creep back in and the cycle repeats itself. It’s similar to addiction I guess and we’ve already seen a few cycles. I don’t want to make light of addictions….this is just football. 2. Sadly I think there is more evidence that he is selfish than not. He was willing to let Diggs, who clearly clearly clearly just wants to win, play the villain all off season. He did nothing to attempt to deflect controversy away from Diggs. Minimize it overall? Sure, he did that. Take any of the blame for the mystery issue? Nope. Who knows? Maybe it was mostly on Diggs but usually the guy working hard is the one with his head in the right place. There are a lot more examples both football related and not. Any evidence of hard work came only from his mouth and not from any leadership shown, at least not in public. He’s a big goofy kid who was pretty well prepared to grow as a football player but the limelight appears to have done to him what it does to a lot of people. If item 2 above is wrong, I think he may be able to overcome item 1 this year. If not, I still think he might be able to win it some day because of his talent. Unfortunately it will need to be after some sort of epiphany five years in the making and he’ll probably be in Denver by then.
  8. G. Wilson is easily the best player on their O and was not heavily targeted at all in the game. Gee I wonder why. But let’s blame Tre for everything.
  9. He’s good looking and has a fancy Hollywood girlfriend. He’ll be fine.
  10. Lol excuses for Mr. Hollywood. Blame everyone else and his “support system”. It’s a joke. Pull his head out of his butt.
  11. I’m not calling for his head. I’m calling for him to pull his head of where it currently resides. Honestly I don’t think he will do it on his own. He needs an intervention from coaches, team and maybe parents to forget the Hollywood crap until he has won something.
  12. Diggs didn’t throw it to Diggs. Captain Hollywood did that. Dorsey I can pin a small percentage on. McD called a defense that wins that game every time if the QB play is somewhere north of Peterman. It wasn’t. It was south.
  13. Talent wise you are 100% correct. Lots of talented people in lots of fields have let fame and fortune take the place of the hard work that got them into a position to have it. Allen has done that. It’s obvious. He has to pull his head out. People have done it. Is he willing to do it?
  14. Also see: if you put even .0000000003% of that loss on Diggs you are incorrect.
  15. The defense gave up one TD on a miracle catch. They gave up a few chunk plays. One bad ST play. Cook looked good. Diggs looked great. Kincaid showed promise. The team did not quit in the second half. One player played incredibly poorly. One. Oh just stop. It is his fault.
  16. Blame the coaches for Allen being unprepared mentally all you want but reality called and mentioned Allen might want to look in the mirror.
  17. He spent the whole off season prancing around like a prima donna. We care about the Bills winning, he cares about him.
  18. Hollywood does that to some people. Sorry to see it happen. He better pull his head out. Maybe his dad will talk to him.
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