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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Did you actually watch the video? Did any of it resonate?
  2. With all due respect, and not meaning to be rude, you’re simply incorrect.
  3. Lol nope. What he says is all available evidence points to us being alone. He also points out that all available evidence is not the same thing as complete evidence. That is fine. It is very clear that the charlatans from the beginning of his video like Nye, Tyson, Sagan, and others choose not to use math so that they can rake in the $$$$$$$$. He points out numerous fallacies of the charlatans and wishful thinkers using bad math. He’s a bit deferential at the end but leaves out a lot that we should be seeing if aliens were there but we don’t. He basically covers 95% of it and gets less aggressive with 4.99999% that points in the same direction while acknowledging the .00001% that is truly unknown.
  4. This guy does a pretty good job. It's a lot of math....easy to understand but may make some people here sad......he leaves out a few things at the end to allow for some faith/hope to remain even though he could have stomped it out if he really used all the facts.
  5. I’d say trade for Payton but we’ve already given up our first round pick for Moore. Would Denver take our 2nd and 2025 first?
  6. That dude had about 317 chances to get with Julie Newmar’s Catwoman and never did. And you’re listening to HIM?
  7. Is this a sign that we’ll finally sign Simeon Rice?
  8. Canada is just weird. Nothing makes sense. I mean look at their top sex symbol: Oh wait, Matt Canada?
  9. Ohtani has never struck me as unprofessional or a bad teammate. I’d say it is way less than 50% he will be back……but that’s because he’s a free agent and every team in the league would love to have him. He needed TJ and was on the DL with an oblique, the Angels are long gone from any race, Trout has been out, they’re playing their kids….of which they have few. Cleaning his locker should not be seen as a negative IMO. Did they want him to do it with a surgically repaired elbow? As for teammates smashing his stuff, that would have to be some idiot and horrible teammate. They are everywhere but the Angels have the greatest horrible teammate of all time. Anthony Rendon.
  10. He’s done for the season with TJ surgery. He had to clear out his locker. I don’t think it means the Angels are impossible. It will be very interesting.
  11. Baked Alaska because one of these morons in Washington will eventually start a nuclear war.
  12. Is Van Roten still the best player in the NFL? Collinsworth is a charlatan.
  13. The moon is not a permanent fixture. It is gradually moving away from Earth. It would eventually break free but will get consumed by our sun first. Although I agree we should explore and expand its not because we’re “running out of things” on Earth. It’s because Earth is temporary.
  14. Some people just can’t handle their LSD, coke, pot, cleaning fluids, urine and human excrement.
  15. Now that someone has helped you with the search function it’s not enough for you?
  16. Scroll up……….slowly…….click link……..read……prepare crow using your favorite recipe…….enjoy.
  17. Ummmmm no. It WAS my intent to call out posters who wanted to hire Payton. Unless the Bills were to be the first team to have simultaneous head coaches, that would have meant firing McDermott. You somehow took that to apply to any notion of firing McDermott, for any coach, not just Payton. Whatever I may think about that, it is not part of this thread, nor did I say that. This thread is about Payton. Also, you have now received your requested assistance with the search function. Prediction: You’ll say something along the lines of the link being an insufficient thread. I’ll point put that there were more calls for Payton than what was in that thread. You’ll call the help desk for search function assistance again……on second thought let’s just skip all that and you can take the L.
  18. Correct. I linked Payton to McDermott. Payton and no one else. If I had wanted to call out “the naysayers” as you have clearly accused me of doing, I would have made this thread about the Bills win….or something else…..and not the Broncos pathetic start to the season. You’re sensitive for some reason. Fine. But you may want to breathe before you post a straw man accusing others of creating straw men. @mannc can you saying thank you to @strive_for_five_guy for holding your hand?
  19. This thread is about Sean Payton, the genius coach who is 0-2 at home having played Washington and LV. I said nothing about “the naysayers” in general….just the Payton fans. If you’re so sensitive that you need to be upset about the Bills winning a game and associating it in a topic about something else, that is on you. You need help with the search function and now reading comprehension? What’s next?
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