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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Should I post pictures of accurately thrown passes now?
  2. No they aren’t but 95% of the fault on the play was Josh. No one is touching the 17th rail. Let’s kick everyone else off the team. That’ll fix it.
  3. You are moving the goalposts. Your original comparison was to Davis. Now you want to spend $14M on a guy who smears feces in hotel rooms to replace our 3/4?
  4. If you acknowledge that Josh made a bad throw do you think your fingers will burn off as you type the words?
  5. So by your own words that catch is made once a week amongst 32 teams but Knox has to make it every time or it’s the ice floe? By contrast any criticism of the 17th rail is wrong before it starts? Clearly the Bills need Josh. He actually had a mostly good game yesterday but pinning that throw on Knox is just flat out irrational hero worship.
  6. Right. And this hit Ozzie in the hands too: For Pete’s sake Josh blamed himself for that throw. Try to look at reality on occasion.
  7. How are the first two $14M guys doing for Pete’s sake? Your bottom four are no better than Davis at all. The one in the middle whose name you can’t spell is really the only case to be remotely made.
  8. Now do “what good QBs do” on that play.
  9. Von is keeping his promise of “burning it all”. Unfortunately what he meant by “it all” was our salary cap.
  10. London is a lot like Canada in that you can’t find a person with normal teeth but they are smarter at least. Their food sucks though. I can see the travel having had some impact but I think it was slow adjustments in the first half like some others have said. The second half was what it needed to be based on what the Giants were doing….time consuming drives that meant the game was going to remain close. If Josh hits a gimme pitch and catch on third down we kneel and all this teeth gnashing is saved.
  11. First of all….we won, so nothing is on anyone. Don’t make me quote Dick Jauron. Secondly, I agree with you that Josh had a good second half. I think “running for his life” is a little over the top but he definitely had to make things work. There was also some luck involved…like there is for every winning team every week. Was his winning throw to Morris really all that different than his losing throw against Minny last year? He didn’t have to risk it all on that play. He did and it worked and it was fun to watch, but it was unnecessary. The Bills win that game with lots of QBs because they play differently. Allen won so it’s all good, but to say no other QB could have won is just odd hero worship. With Cousins under center we run to start and it probably works to a degree then we take a shot here and there. The Bills scored 14 points. No other QB in the league could do that? So far Dak has, Dobbs has, Purdy has, Geno has, Tua has. Next week Howell gets a try. The first half stunk. Was it because the Giants staff knows us? Davis’ key fumble? Dorsey taking too long to adjust? Josh reverting to his comfort zone? I’d say probably a little of each.
  12. This is correct. If there is blamed to be dished to Dorsey it is in the first half. Too stubborn to move away from the initial plan. The second half was pretty good. One bad play call IMO with the shotgun on 2nd and goal, immediately erased by the pretty play to Harty. The Bills put themselves in a hole and their best fit was slow methodical run based drives. Dorsey called those. The clock chewing meant it was always going to end up close. Josh mostly executed well as did others. No one was perfect…..ok maybe Diggs. Josh’s terrible 3rd down throw prevented the kneel downs. The OL had a good run blocking game most of the night so I find it hard to chirp about first and second down. There is probably something in there for Dorsey to do differently too, but the bottom line is he did enough and Josh wrecked it.
  13. Lol at the hit him in the hands crowd. After he dove, sure. How about hitting him somewhere in the vicinity of the numbers? He was wide open.
  14. Oh but he did scheme up a first down didn’t he? Follow the crowd…blame Knox instead of Dorsey….you know who can never be blamed….third rail….be careful…or is it the 17th rail?
  15. Lol what would you call a throw with two kids in the yard with no one between them and the ball is thrown at the ground instead of the player? In baseball would this have been a wild pitch or a passed ball?
  16. Dude he had to lunge and his hands were two inches off the ground. His hands were available…Josh missed them…..Knox moved them…..”hit him in the hands”. OMG Look, we won. Josh played a big part in that. So did a lot of other people. We easily could have lost. If we had, a lot of people would have played a part in that too. Including Josh. Clearly Josh is capable of great things, and is tremendously fun to watch. He also makes mistakes. When he does half of this board looks to immediately blame Dorsey, McD, Beane, Knox, Spencer Brown, Davis, until recently Tre White, or anyone they can find EXCEPT Josh. It’s weird.
  17. Lol do you have Rosaries with Josh’s face on every bead? Hard to call that “a drop” but you managed. Congrats.
  18. Here’s something that is way too early to bet on but might be fun to watch if it happens: Evan Carter winning 2024 AL ROY…….AFTER winning ALCS and/or WS MVP. I wonder if something like that has ever happened before. The kid can swing a bat.
  19. Stop it. It was an easy throw for a HS QB and Josh blew it. 95% Josh, 5% Knox, 0% Dorsey….on that play. I agree with some other points about Dorsey….. not all but some. The TD to Harty was a great call even if it came on the heels of a terrible call…..which it did. Josh had more good plays than bad but he’s not flawless and that 3rd down clincher was all on him.
  20. Generational talent that went to Hollywood and missed a wide open TE on a play that would have initiated victory formation. Dorsey gets some blame here but not all of it.
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