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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. What you’re essentially saying is that FSUs entire season was pointless. You realize that, right?
  2. It’s a defense mechanism.
  3. All the people throwing out their shoulders patting themselves on the back because Florida State lost big have a tenuous grip on reality. Half of FSUs team is gone. Does anyone think the helmets determine the outcome of games or might it be the players? One could just as easily point out that Bama required a Hail Mary to beat a team that just got curb stomped by Maryland. But that would also be inaccurate. Using FSU’s loss as “evidence” of anything is dishonest.
  4. It seems like a decent enough sports town whenever I see a Padres game on.
  5. Maybe he sells them. Trees don’t grow on……oh, wait.
  6. Defib paddles Stents BP sleeve Insulin pump
  7. Lucky for the Chiefs they don’t have the most self promoting overrated player in football.
  8. Two different threads or can we somehow team up and start a thread together?
  9. There could be a 37 page thread with nothing but your posts complaining about redundant threads. IYHO are those also “not-so-unique” thoughts?
  10. Whoever was operating the nearby lock must have been asleep on the job.
  11. Still mad at Denver for that AFCCG?
  12. Go in order: 1. Event Horizon Crimson Tide makes the rest of CFB disappear 2. The NFL and it’s teams are no longer able to avoid the gravity of the event horizon Crimson Tide 3. Cosmologists understand the true power in the universe and abolish the use of the term event horizon, choosing instead to only use Crimson Tide as a description of the universally inevitable.
  13. All of the above is just silly and we all know it leads to simply abolishing all teams that are not the Alabama Crimson Tide. They are the event horizon and the rest of it is all just the noise before he inevitable.
  14. He’s a bit overhyped. Not saying he’s bad, he just disappears for stretches.
  15. Don’t be a fool. Big shaker bought out the mills years ago. They us it to appeal to the snooty crowd. Pepper sucks and is useless. Don’t fall for it.
  16. Any updates on this “somewhat probable” situation?
  17. In all honesty I never really thought salt and pepper really went together. Does anyone use pepper for anything anymore? Salt, sure. Not that it’s good for you. It’s good on corn on the cob. Why are there even pepper shakers anymore? I’ll tell you why. So big shaker can double their sales. Big oil and big pharmaceutical are pretty bad but big shaker is right there with them.
  18. That’s a good philosophy if you like restraining orders.
  19. Don’t ignore the Orioles comment. Use it. His Yankees paid 4 trillion dollars to Carlos Rodon. And you have Rutchsman, Kjerstad, Grayson, Bradish, Henderson, Holliday and mooooooooore for less than the price of Rodon. It’s a comical scenario in your favor. Until the Yankees sign Yamamoto of course, then you’re really in trouble. Oh, wait.
  20. The lack of law enforcement’s ability to catch red headed San Diegan serial killers in a timely manner. This creates a lot of work for me.
  21. 1. Close the border already. Friggin Canadians 2. People hold on to their Ed Oliver opinions for far too long.
  22. Objectivity is your friend. Give it a shot sometimes.
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