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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. NLCS game that is already amazing ALCS Sabres game with a fun first period NFL game I’ll take it.
  2. I think Rice has potential, otherwise they aren’t good.
  3. 3rd most points scored in the NFL. Clearly he stinks and will be easy to replace.
  4. Good job working in some blame for Knox AND Dorsey while keeping clear of the 17th rail.
  5. Another data point on which the 17th rail needs to be held blameless. He publicly advocated for Dorsey but now McDermott must go for hiring Dorsey.
  6. Morris said something nice about Knox. Do we hate him now?
  7. Caaaaaaaaareful. You’re close to stepping on the 17th rail and you’ve failed to point out that Knox is to blame for everything.
  8. Deny the appeal all you want. You’re still wrong but deny away.
  9. For starters on the productive conversation, how about you post one thought/opinion that uses physics, math or even just good reasoning on something that points to the existence or potential existence of communicative/intelligent alien species?
  10. It wasn’t all that different than the OT int against Minny last year.
  11. Sean Payton could be available so we’ll get another chance at unparalleled offensive genius.
  12. What prevented Allen from throwing the ball higher? What prevents you from expecting more from Allen like you do from Knox? Incorrect use of ad hominem. I called the posts irrational and insane, which they were, I did not call the posters that. Just sayin.
  13. Lol any criticism of Allen is met with irrational revisionist insanity. You know who agrees with me that Allen’s throw was the primary culprit on that play? Not Dorsey’s call, not Knox’s “drop”, not whatever horrifying mistake Davis made on that play….but Allen’s throw? Josh Allen agrees, that’s who agrees. Watch his interview after the game. Its ok to admit he’s not perfect and we don’t need 52 more guys to make a 53 man roster. Allen is the most important player on this team. There are maybe five QBs you could argue you could swap for and maintain our place. Personally I would only even consider one. That doesn’t mean every time he makes a mistake we need to trash a coach or one of his teammates. It’s a joke and a cult.
  14. Mac Jones getting worse Bill B is on borrowed time Zappe hour arrives
  15. It is not in any way realistic to expect every QB to make an accurate throw on every play nor is it reasonable to expect every receiver/TE/RB to catch every pass, especially errant ones. It’s just not the real world. What I find curious is that this particular throw is something that should be accurate 90+% of the time and the catch is maybe a 50/50 yet you are harshly judging Knox while given Allen a pass. Is Allen a better player at his position than Knox overall? If you say yes I completely agree, but on THAT Allen deserves the brunt of the blame. Feeling the need to pin it all on Knox is weird. It’s cultish.
  16. Are QBs paid to throw accurate passes or go to Hollywood parties?
  17. Meh. Mingo rhymes with both bingo and Ringo. Let’s see Marshall do that.
  18. Sheldon and sticking your fingers in your ears singing lalala > YouTube, books, peer reviewed studies, observations of the cosmos, basic logic and math? You've got me there.
  19. There is a rule here that it can not be insinuated that Josh Allen ever did anything wrong. It’s the 17th rail. Don’t touch it or you’ll get hurt. For example if an incomplete pass is thrown in the dirt but it is physically possible to be caught the proper response is to point out that Knox and Davis must be cut. Both. If it is thrown to Knox you must kill Davis too. Also the emperor who threw the worm burner is well dressed and beyond criticism. This goes to coaches too. Sugar rush Josh with bad results = Dorsey’s fault. Cautious Josh with bad results = Dorsey’s fault. Sugar rush Josh with good results = Allen’s brilliance cautious Josh with good results = Allen’s brilliance..
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