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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I like the Why Files which has been mentioned a few times. Also: Anton Petrov https://www.youtube.com/@whatdamath Daily updates on recent discoveries, events and papers in science….mostly outer space
  2. The pessimism is understandable but are we really competing with Jax for a WC spot? On what planet are they not going to win that division?
  3. Well certainly no part of it whatsoever could ever be allowed to imply Josh have part of the responsibility. It’s all other people’s fault. If we only had Sean Payton or something. I mean seriously dude the first play from scrimmage he threw a ridiculously stupid pick that had us playing from behind the entire game……for the third game in a row. Until 17 pulls his head out, it’s really hard to evaluate anyone else. Definitely. It couldn’t possibly be on him.
  4. NBC just put up a graphic with the word “probibility” in it.
  5. You’re 100 percent on it. I mean dude call an easy interception on our first offensive play. Who does that? Josh should have audibles out.
  6. BS answers > pointing out your QB throwing a needless pick on the first play puts a hitch in your giddy up. Should he have thrown 17 under the bus?
  7. Josh lobbied for Dorsey. Maybe McD is loyal too, but Josh has surrounded himself with buddies like Dorsey and Knox. Now the buddies are the scapegoats.
  8. Did Dorsey throw the pick on the first player had on offense or did someone else throw that?
  9. Fair enough but there are also 30 teams not named Rams or Bills that passed him up.
  10. Cook/Kincaid usage was on point. There were plays where Allen looked like he had to go to his 5th read which I’d attribute to a good defensive plan. There were throws Allen missed including a walk in TD which was a tough but make-able throw, Then there was that Knox drop…….
  11. I understand replacement is impossible but there can be improvements in scheming, etc. based on personnel. Maybe Dorian Williams or Elam improve as they go.
  12. Player execution could clear some cap space but seems mean.
  13. We’ll they did lose three pro bowlers in two weeks. Maybe some adjustments will be successful. And in case you hadn’t checked 17 is currently being dragged, not dragging anything.
  14. Lol it’s a joke but they do hold on every pass play. Not just a little.
  15. Maybe. I feel it’s too early to put Levi in the top 5 talent wise. Rousseau?.
  16. So he looked focused and prepared to you today? He didn’t look that way to me against the Jets,Giants, Jags or Pats this year. Diggs did. Improved play from our QB is the best path to a better season. He couldn’t possibly be more talented. It is not his girlfriends fault.
  17. Based on his career. He’s recovering from a serious injury.
  18. Honestly? Watching the.KC game where they are holding for 5 seconds on every play and Taylor Swift ooohing and aaaaahinng in the luxury suite……it’s been decided already.
  19. That was more between the ears than the shoulder. He attempted plenty of long/hard throws.
  20. Top five players in level of raw talent/ability…I’ve excluded the injured or 58 and 27 would be on at least one list 1. Dahlin or Allen 2. Allen or Dahlin 3. Diggs 4. Von Miller 5. Tage Thompson Top 5 players in level of effort/focus work: 1. Dahlin or Diggs 2. Diggs or Dahlin 3. Tuch 4. Thompson 5. Miller or Levi
  21. After they score they still have to kick off. 10 points.
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