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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Punkcheco is better than Harris.
  2. I think you rigged his reading comprehension.
  3. Shirley you can’t be serious.
  4. I thought Dak was wearing that to remind him to play more like the guy who was kicking his ass.
  5. Try the following fish related names: Poorpussesareus Ohandtuavsbuff Finmeansitsover Onlythirtyoneteamshavemorerecentplayoffwins Weekthreechampsagain
  6. What was the mall named before McKinley got shot for cutting in line at Auntie Ann’s?
  7. Gloating is when you brag about yourself. It’s a bad look. Rubbing it in is when you mock someone after they lost or something bad happened to them. It’s a bad look. This thread is more rubbing it in than gloating. But it’s not mocking “someone”, it’s mocking the fish. It’s awesome.
  8. Like a girl throwing a baseball.
  9. Any of the billions of shows or movies that enforce the ridiculous notion of intelligent interstellar aliens. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes they’re fun to watch. I’m just answering the thread’s question.
  10. I’ll go on record here saying I think the Stroman pickup is a solid one for the Yankees. If I were them I’d be careful with Snell. He’s a great pitcher but really gives me the vibe of a guy who is better off in a smaller market. He walks a lot of guys and gets out of it in SD but with the added stress in NY? Ed Whitson vibes.
  11. Last play in career? Regular season anyway.
  12. IMO and based on what I’ve read in other places MHJ doesn’t always track the ball as well as he should and although that didn’t burn him in college, it may in the NFL. Again, not in any way calling him a bad player or bust, just likely to not live up to his ultra high pick. Im not sure I agree about kicking Fields to the curb. It feels abrupt. The Bears can move down a very small number of spots and pick up an absolute haul. If they can’t make it work with Fields they will have mega ammo to try again in 2025. No way should they stay at 1 and pick anything other than QB though….I agree about that.
  13. Also being gifted a slot in the final four every year is different than being gifted a slot in the final 12.
  14. Ah the legend of MHJ grows. If you’re going to take a receiver over a QB, why not take the one who will be a superior NFL player? Nabers. Lol first MHJ now Andrew Luck. You’re on a “media narrated greatness” roll. Now do Tony Mandarich.
  15. Wait a minute! McD put a TO in his belt with 57 seconds left? How did he do that? Are they like little poker chips?
  16. Another possibility is that you don’t know the rules.
  17. DeMeco Ryans says helllllllloooooooo.
  18. If they decide they want Harrison they aren’t very bright because Nabers is going to be better and might very well be there at 9. I’m not saying Harrison will bust, but there is an opportunity cost embedded in him.
  19. Jerome Baker’s Mom has become my least hated fish.
  20. Sticking to your guns like this makes me worried that one day you’ll meet a redhead named Ed and I won’t be around to save you.
  21. We’re all right about some things and wrong about others. On balance @Pine Barrens Mafia has a pretty good record, but when it comes to Ed O and serial killing redheads he gets very low grades.
  22. He soft peddles this a bit but if you're good at reading between the lines you know what he really thinks. He's also pretty good at math:
  23. 1. correct but the point was he could have held his cards a little closer to his vest. 2. Sorry. Didn’t realize you knew the inner workings and communications between the front offices of all the NFL teams. My bad.
  24. That’s lazy.
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