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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Watch these clowns give us the shaft again next year. They’ll probably make us travel to Seattle or somewhere far away like that.
  2. It’s not just for the silly comment. There’s a shiny object element in there somewhere.
  3. Who had “Bears most aggressive trade deadline buyer” on their bingo card?
  4. Let’s be honest….he only worked his a** off because 216 different massage therapists refused to do it for him.
  5. They banned a lot of stuff here. Not just weeds. Grub killer too. Moles and crows tear up beautiful lawns on the regular. It’s stupid.
  6. I realize. But if we’re going for a punk like Jeudy we might as well go full stupid with the conjecture.
  7. You have an affinity for shiny options. There is plenty to document with Jeudy just in the last few weeks. Maybe we should bail out Henry Ruggs.
  8. Ok substitute marginal for zero. You happy now? Sutton is far superior.
  9. They actually put up Kelce stats for when she is there and when she isn’t. Someone should get fired for that.
  10. Sutton is far better but Jeudy is a shiny object because he went to Bama and went in the first. If the Bills get anyone I will root for that person. Beane has been reluctant to pick up low character team cancers so Jeudy seems doubtful.
  11. If you’re goin* to do wishful thinking why not at least wish for the better player?
  12. Jeudy is a loudmouth trouble maker with career zero production and hasn’t exactly been healthy.
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