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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. A million terrible moves and a douche about every one. It is hard to say what the right pride for Lehner would have been. Maybe if Ott gave us a first to take him off their hands. Still probably not worth it.
  2. Well at least not for the last 11 months or so.
  3. The root cause is gone but rebuilding will take time. Honestly if Murray was sabotaging the team the only thing else he could have done would be passing on Eichel. He even whined after getting him. Maybe he wanted to help uncle Bwyan.
  4. He is too well hydrated to ever get hurt.
  5. And they had Kraft running interference for them so you can see why WEO trusts them.
  6. Come on dude. Barred from negotiating from anyone even suspected? What does that mean? Your boy Kraft and his minion list out. Deal with it.
  7. Look back at their predictions. Almost every single year it is the Bills previous year's win total minus two. Don't forget to add one for the Jets, two for the fish and the Pats are projected at 16.
  8. This report will see the light of day? Right. It reminds me of unanimous DC confidence that James Comey is of unquestionable integrity and totally unbiased.
  9. Is that a song or are you being weird?
  10. It struck me that there are a lot of songs out there about food. Do you have any songs you like that are about food, foods you like because of a song, or a food you never had the is featured in a song. I remember hearing about a vegemite sandwich in the Men at Work song. Nobody knew what that was but it was cool because everyone learned a tiny bit about Australia. There was one song that was out in the 80s called "Hot Potatoes" by a one hit wonder band named Falco. Well, I think they were a two hit wonder because they had a song called Der Kommisar. Hot Potatoes came on the radio once when I was driving near a Wendy's and I actually pulled in an ordered a baked potato. No way does that happen without the song coming on the radio. I wonder how much extra $$$$ Wendy's got from that song. It couldn't have been just me. Another hit about food was Awesome Sugar Honey by Def Lepard. To this day I don't know what awesome sugar honey is, but if it is British food I don't want any anyway. Do you remember any hit rock songs about food?
  11. Former Sabre Tim Connelly would be much cheaper and achieve identical results.
  12. Nonsense? He is a cretin and he is a terrible QB. Whether he can help mentor I don't know for sure but he always seemed as dumb as a box of rocks. And there are other potential mentors out there who don't seek underage girls. No thanks.
  13. Sanchez? The only way he whispers anything that gets results to a rookie QB is if we draft an underage girl. The guy is a cretin and a terrible player.
  14. I thought this thread was going to be more White or Keane hype. Thanks for the new info.
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