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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I do it to. I even named it. The Blaine Bortles Identity Theorem.
  2. Ralph was a smart business man which led to his team staying put. We should hate him for it. Modell was a bad business man which led to his team moving. We should love him for it. Did I get that right? Drunk Bobby was an epic fan before he bought the team that had been saved by Ralph. Before Ralph was even dead he was planning to help Bon Jersey move Ralph's team. I suppose that means we should love him. And that epically selfish gift of 900m. That was a doozy. What a jerk. And all that research money that helped old time rival Nick B and ultimately Kevin Everett? There is a special place in hell just for that I suppose.
  3. You may not have listened and found out who lives inside the Icehouse. But you should.
  4. Wtf? If I predicted the Bills to finish first and they finished second, would I be right?
  5. So the paragon of virtue OJ's recording prompted the vaunted journalist to pulverize the horrendous former owner. Got it. Classy move. BTW did the Bills finish last in the AFC East for years in a row as he emphatically stated they would?
  6. What is the actual point of this article? Why did he write it now? A professional critique is appropriate pisthumously? How? Can Ralph take it to heart and become a better owner? Sullivan is just a looooooooooooser trying to stir the pot.
  7. Do you even like the Bills? Because I haven't read anything positive from you in maybe....ever. Ralph bought the Bills for what? $40k? He was relatively wealthy but not NFL owner wealthy. He did have options such as selling shares or leveraging through debt but he chose otherwise. That is a business decision. It isn't "cheap". His decisions resulted in 900m to charity and his team staying put. Had he leveraged the team, who knows how things might have turned out? Would he have been able to sneak the lease past his lender said/partners before it even got to drunk Krafts desk?
  8. He kept the team in Buffalo and poison pilled the lease so drunk Kraft wouldn't notice. He operated from low liquidity compared to the Jones's andMcNairs of the world. He gave $900M to charity upon his death. Cheap. Right. Sullivan is a low life.
  9. OMG two words after mocking his test score you show how you'd score lower. If you had left out the word "points", you would have set a world record. Dang.
  10. I understand trepidations about Lamar or any of these guys especially Allen, but Lamar is not the same as TT.
  11. Because Lamar Always Cuddles Kittens?
  12. I can't figure out why some people ignore facts when assessing Jackson. I think it is either Because Louisville Actively Coddles Kids or Because Lamar Always Cuddles Kittens.
  13. A lot can happen between now and September: Buf - Laluluelauletta Mia - Nassib NYJ - Connor Cook NE - Craig Nall
  14. If we trade for Russell Wilson are you also done?
  15. I thought so but am sure bbb is correct too. I'm sure there is more work to do but it seems like a good day and result.
  16. Given this trade, do you guys think the Browns might take a QB in the draft?
  17. Visiting teams play in Buffalo.
  18. Shirley. You can't be serious.
  19. Well? Are you sending us cigars or not?
  20. Bravo. Let's keep focusing on the inexplicable reasons the Giants would trade a future franchise QB as a rookie instead of a high priced punk. If we keep doing that maybe we can take the in out of inexplicable.
  21. Lol. Imagine the blowback if they pass on a QB and the Jets take one that succeeds. A whole new level. They are taking a QB and they aren't trading out.
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