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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Then why did he take the job in the first place? And I suppose that dysfunctional organization is just fine for the guys he hired.......but not him? SCUM
  2. No it's the Pats so reality needs to be twisted and we need to see it their way. Maybe those assistants to the pillar of morality McDaniel are the real villains. Did Joshie just find out all of this stuff AFTER he hired people?
  3. Calling to hire guys 10 minutes before you bolt and actually hiring guys that are now under contract isn't a scumbag move? Geez dude.
  4. He also committed to hiring several assistants who now have no job. Dirt bag move by him and the drunk.
  5. Classy move committing to assistants, taking them off the market and then skipping out.
  6. People staring at the stage will have to think and many will think of the word stagecoach which was a tool for oppression of native Americans. Nice going racist.
  7. Is this the guy that knew about Sandusky and said nothing. Nice one Pats.
  8. Would you give up a 12th for Cook? For Pete's sake dude I know you don't like Bridgewater but his leg damn near fell off. Fragile?
  9. I wish ALL the balls got soft after 40.
  10. I didn't read the whole thread title because after I saw "Gronk contemplating" I knew it couldn't be true. Unless maybe the rest of the thread title is "his navel".
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