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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. LOL at these idiots. It is a disinformation war that started in 1917, not 2017. Whoop tI do if the delivery methods are different.
  2. I deleted parts of your quote to help you see the joke.
  3. Do you mean commie Zuckerberg who accidentally built an empire because he couldn't get laid? Or do you mean the commies at CNN that are so see through that they helped doom Hillary? Or do you mean the commie Hillary herself that could barely stand up, much less make a cogent point during the campaign? Or do you mean the commies who posted the barely literate stuff on nerd Zuckerberg's site? I guess the more skilled commies were too busy with identity theft to bother. Or do you mean the commies that are investigating group 4 as if their efforts had any impact? 0 for 5 I guess because I don't like any of them.
  4. Sorry but LO friggin L at anyone who thinks Ghoul Mueller is anything but a tool for the in crowd.
  5. I don't like commies whether they are Putin commies, hippy commies, professor commies, stoned commies or duped commies. Well actually sometimes I like the actual people, just not their evil, naive, lazy, moronic, dreamy or clouded beliefs. I think better results are achieved when reality is acknowledged.
  6. In the murder did he bash the victim in the head with a uranium rock Hillary sold him?
  7. Although you have buried it in a pile of text, you have dared to speak ill of Kim Jung QB. You must never do this.
  8. My my guess is that the bananas would rot within a few weeks of birth and then fall off. The baby unicorn would slip on the peel and die. This would lead to extinction of the species. Hmmmmmm indeed.
  9. Before you go too far down the road with TBC please be fair to him. The Golden Retriever he advocated humping did not have any age specified. I think it would reasonable to assume it was fully grown.
  10. He also thought he was right about Rex's defense being the offenses fault. But his best work was a long time ago defending the guy that was humping dogs. That was special. Im sure it is deep in the archives somewhere but it was long ago. It was something along the lines of we can't know if the dog gave consent.
  11. Fred Groot from the Redskins? No and he was overrated. All the clues are there in the UFO thread and should be easy enough for even you to follow if you really want to know. You don't want to know. At the very least you don't want to find out without wearing double bagged depends so make a trip to Safeway before you start looking.
  12. Have you figured out the Electric Blue connection and who really lives in Antarctica?
  13. Are you familiar with the name Tiger Woods? Charlie Sheen perhaps? Heidi Fleiss? And I believe I recall reading that Jeter used the same agency as Woods. I might be wrong about that.
  14. Why not all of them? He basically plays the same character. Pass.
  15. There are 2 things going on here: 1. Some idiot Russians made a Facebook account and tried to stir up stojan. The indictment says their is no evidence of collusion with Trump, Sanders or anyone else. Big deal. That is a distraction. The real thing is that there is no evidence it had any impact with or without collusion. Because is was a friggin Facebook page with bad grammar. Even the cherry picked "examples" were poorly written. This is a far less effective Tokyo Rose. Crap like this has gone on daily in different forms since the dawn of time. 2. Establishment cretins like Mueller,Comey, Hillary, Jeb, Jeb, Chuck, Mitt, Matt Lauer, Wolf, and more still can't believe they lost. They are still trying to blame it on some mysterious all powerful source instead of coming to grips with the fact that they are both out of touch with reality and still not quite powerful enough to completely control the electorate. So now they will try to take it by force, which is far less comfortable. Neither Bernie nor Trump had the impacts they did because of Russians or even because of themselves really. They had their impact because they were not Hillary or Jeb or someone else like them. Trump and Bernie had just enough personality to add a few people that were actually voting for them and not simply against the other ones. It made the whole thing a failure for the establishment. Ghoul Mueller connecting unconnected dots can't ever change reality even if it gets Trump kicked out, drawn and quartered and replaced by Hillary. Enough people have sufficiently tired of watching absolute dolts like Kirsten Gillibrand or Mitch McConnell being portrayed as actually having firing synapses, and critical thinking skills that the establishment can't get the mindshare back without a level of force far higher than they want. This isn't as easy as the NFL convincing the fandom that Andrew Luck has had an elite pro career.
  16. We get it, we get it. If the fans were smoking pot there would have never been a scuffle. Too mellow.
  17. I agree but they would have had to turn it around pretty quickly. Connect with NYPD while in flight and get some young under covers out through the jetway.
  18. So some Russians got a Facebook account? Did Marco Rubio collude with Nigerians to fund his campaign from their princely trust? Did someone from Microsoft with an Indian accent fix Rand Paul's PC? These revered people like Mueller are useless.
  19. I'm through 4 episodes and find it really cool. I am going to put the rest in as a spoiler but it is just my guess about what is going on and whodunnit. Sometimes I can figure these things out very earl and other times I'm way off.
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