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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I didn't know he played baseball. And an OK kid going to Texas? It's just a threat like Elway and the Yanks.
  2. Because the more we give up the higher the odds our guy succeeds.
  3. I thought this thread was about Spongebob's snail named Gary who said meow a lot. After reading a few posts, I wish this thread was about Spongebob's snail named Gary who said meow a lot. Greggy, any chance you can start a thread about Spongebob's snail named Gary who said meow a lot?
  4. Obviously you liked him since your screen name is "If Art, a lot". This also implies that you didn't often listen to his guest hosts. Some of them were pretty good though.
  5. Any updates on this?
  6. Did Rex suck? Did Marrone turn out caustic and arrogant just like Greggo? Were the criticisms of Murray correct? You defended Murray and Rex. I can't remember your position on Marrone. Your "knowledge" was wrong.
  7. Tim Murray criticisms were silly. Greggo Marrone was silly. Cuz Rex Sux was silly. People with 115 threads over 3 years begging for Connor Cook is just fine. I'll stick with silly.
  8. Will Rosen be Tim Connelly by then?
  9. I thought he was going to call Bledsoe a jerk.
  10. Those are possibly the biggest technical problems but they pail in comparison to the biggest problem. That thing is cool in a TV show but when they tried it on Earth some dude turned into a giant bug.
  11. Like on a mat? That already happened to us once.
  12. Lol. And what makes you think he won't be the Tim Connelly of football?
  13. You really think Rosen would start over McCarron in week 1? I don't. What makes you think he won't be the Tim Connelly of football?
  14. You're trolling declaring Rosen as a day one starter. Wouldn't it depend on the team picking him? Could he make it off the podium on draft night concussion free? Are you denying you were a gigantic Tim Murray fanboy?
  15. Did you use the same analysis method that helped you determine that Tim Murray was a good GM? I hope not. But you stated that as fact too. You might want to look up the word opinion. It can save future embarrassment because we all get things wrong at times.
  16. How about we flip the script and convince all of the top 8 QBs to refuse to play anywhere EXCEPT Buffalo? If we can manage this we only have to trade 7 th rounders and maybe guys like Kaelin Clay. We trade Peterman to the Browns, Jets or Cards for a 2019 1st, stow a few guys on the practice squad and boom!
  17. This was always inexorable and as easy to read as the Hollywood sign on the hill. Which 4 picks of the top 5 and what sequence is interesting but the Browns, Giants, Jets and Broncos will all have a new QB before the Colts are on the clock. The Jets/Colts trade was not about the Bills, it was about the Broncos. The slim chance the Bills have is a trade with the Browns at 4, or if the article is true, and their dysfunctional group can only reach agreement by seeing what happens in front of them, an even slimmer possibility at 1. Both of these possibilities are very slim IMO. If the Giants somehow hate all the QBs but one, and the Browns pick that guy, I suppose something could happen. I think the overall odds of the Bills making a top 4 pick is about 2%.
  18. Controlling tartus can't be that lucrative and I don't think Putin would look good in a kilt or any sort of plaid really. And haven't we learned from Mel Gibson not to piss off Scottish people?
  19. It might be a sad joke to you but if a couple of trillion dollars make a few thousand people feel like they are slightly curbing climate change, isn't it worth it? Who can put a dollar figure on human emotion?
  20. Is that a picture of the Saint Lombardi in your avatar? Or the Broncos?
  21. But it is all made up crap. Nobody knows one way or the other.
  22. He knows ghoul Mueller is in the bag. Of course he is going to protect him.
  23. In one way it is the right thing to do, but I'm worried about the cap hit. And does anyone think he would sign, even for one day, with a team that doesn't have a QB?
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