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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Enough with the Vander Doodle. Geez.
  2. If all of these jobs pay $5M a yer then everyone will be rich. How is this a bad idea?
  3. I think these reports about who loves whom are sometimes accurate sometimes guesses and sometime purposefully incorrect. I don't think any of them can be assumed to be true whether it helps the Bills chances or hurts. Last year Trubiniski didn't even know the Bears liked him so much. If if one looks logically at the team's in play, their needs, and their draft capital before any trades, I don't think it looks great for the Bills to get a top 4 QB. I'm also not totally convinced that the top 4 in the press is actually the same as with the teams. I can see Javkson being in some top 4s for sure.
  4. Is Rosen off their board due to his crap attitude or his Tyler Ennis like durability?
  5. The fact that the QB they traded up for blows doesn't matter?
  6. Lol Denver needs a QB as badly as us and their GM is a QB. All that trade talk will be shown as hype when the rubber meets the road. Get over it dudes. Number 4 is a long shot, but it is the only shot.
  7. You can buy lollipops with the $$$$ which may temper the waaaaaaaahhhhhh. I should clarify that Beane didn't deal himself the aces since he wasn't even here yet so it really should only be McD or Whaley feeling your "wrath". Only one of them is left.
  8. I'm sure they feel terrible about going 9-7 and actually trying during the season. Isn't the pain they went through with us in ending the playoff drought punishment enough for their plan failing? And how are you holding them accountable again? If a tree whines in the woods but McBeane can't hear it did it actually make any noise? You were correct in your observations of Rex sucking and we agreed a lot back then. You are way off here. If you could find a way to deal yourself pocket aces consistently you would put yourself in a position to win a lot of poker hands, but if the board has the 7 8 9 10 of Diamomds then you will always lose to someone holding the Jack of Diamonds. Sometimes that is the way the cards fall. It turns out that 4 QB needy teams ended up with the 4 top hands. Beane dealt himself aces preflop but nobody controls the whole game.
  9. He could have thought he was sending a direct message or something.
  10. What? The logic you use about the importance of QB and what teams should do to get one precludes the Bills from having the opportunity. It is completely irrational and borderline insane. There is no "smart football response" required. You can make the topic anything from football to gravity to tiddlywinks. You present a completely illogical premise which is impossible on its face. That is easy to refute regardless of topic. But be sure to cry about it Thursday and act all smart.
  11. LOL at Giants and Broncos being unwilling to do "whatever it takes".
  12. Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. How do you do "whatever it takes" when your prospective trade partners also need to do "whatever it takes" and for them that simply means stating put? The whole line of "reasoning" is as dumb as can be. If Beane doesn't bring a gun and threaten other GMs, you'll say he didn't do enough.
  13. Bosch is awesome. Unofficial leak on season 5 is they are spinning off of Dahmer only it is a hetero female that just moved a little up the coast. One of the witnesses is Internet prey that avoided certain death. Rumor is that he will be played by Andy Dick. As for season 4, the second best line of the season was: "Pull up alongside the mayor Seargent." It was only topped by the stare down that followed.
  14. As there are teams in 31 other places. And four of the 5 that had the worst 2017 also need a QB and don't have to do "whatever it takes". When end you were a kid and your Mommy drove by a closed candy store, did you still cry about not getting a lollipop? Do you still blame Mommy?
  15. I think he said that Because Lamar Always Cuddles Kittens.
  16. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  17. After the Colts trade with the Jets they stated that they wanted to stay top 10. If that changed weeks later Beane's options are limited to his ability to create a time machine. waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!
  18. Lol. Of that list we had the ability to pick only Mahomes Watson and Prescott. Mentioning the other names is pointless.
  19. Lol Beane wasn't even here last year. For Pete's sake the Giants an Broncos both need QB. They will probably both take one. But by all means waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!
  20. Delusional. If Cle, NYG, NYJ, and Den all want QBs and Cle feels they need an elite talent at 4 the there is NOTHING Beane cadonor could have done. Pink slip my behind. Except you're making up crap. Indy stated they wanted to stay in the top 10. If they have changed their mind since then, there is still nothing nothing Beane could have done at the time. If Denver wants a QB then Indy gave up only one spot...Cleveland's 4 spot, in moving to 6. Giving up one spot to get 3 2nds. What could Beane have done to beat that? Not a blessed thing. And your anger doesn't change that.
  21. The Burned Stained Bears
  22. Vander Doodle is pretty close. He is on all the mocks.
  23. Did he say anything about Rube Baker I mean Leighton Vander Doodle?
  24. My belief: Our porous border is letting in people that drain money from our system without contributing as much as they get in return. Counter: Building a wall from Maine to Washington and well into both Oceans would cost almost as much as the drain Canadians have become economically. In addition, it seems we may be staring down the barrel of a mini ice age and maybe they can help because they have basically always been in one. Reality: The Celine Dion wall posters alone would force me to move to a tropical island to get away and I love America so forget this whole thing.
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