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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. He said it in a semi awkward way but he only said he had a better grasp of the concepts. He didn't say he is a better player. He did not really directly bash anyone. If he had said "Sam Donald has a goofy face and looks like a moron that will struggle in the film room", that would have been rude despite its obviously truthful premise. He took the high road there. Too bad he sucks on the field.
  2. The chances of Denver picking a non QB just plummetted from zippo to zero. They were ALWAYS picking a QB. The good news is they will probably pick a crappy one. Did the Dak Prescott over Connor Cook rank tip the scales?
  3. When did Vande.r Esch go from the 2018 version of our inevitable Casey Matthews 4th round pick to #12?
  4. Do you guys read this as a message to their current QB? In other words are they are slapping their Talleywhacker?
  5. Happy birthday but I still don't know why you wear an equine mask and brag about it.
  6. He SUCKED. I watched the games and he sucked. The winning play against a horrible Seattle team was made by the FG holder. We needed a miracle from James Hardy of allpeopletobeat Jax. He had a nice drive against a bad Raiders team and sucked badly before the injury in Ariz.
  7. He had ham and eggs but he mised with the fork and spilled grapefruit juice everywhere.
  8. Nope. Nice try. He was getting tons of credit for "almost beating Dallas" when he had zero to do with it. Edwards is not the first terrible QB in the NFL nor was he the last. But he was terrible before during and after the hit he took. He sucked before the hit. I don't think the "venom" is really for Trent, rather it is a manifestation of having to read ridiculous false narratives about how he was good before the hit or had some sort of above average potential. Neither are true. He sucked. No one is mad at him for sucking. People get frustrated reading about false excuses. Losman, EJ, Orton, Fitz, heck even Levi Brown get similar treatment at times.
  9. In addition, might not the other teams currently holding the picks be "concerned" about the position and simply unwilling to trade? I mean if 37 picks aren't useful to us in lieu of Risen or whoever, why would they be useful to the Giants? Trades or no trades, those QBs are likely going at the top with the possible exception of Allen, who can barely play the position. If it truly is QB first and everything else is tied for ninth, why would the Giants trade at any price?
  10. Then why did he suck before the hit? Occum's Shaver says it was due to sucking.
  11. Are these magical secrets known to the Bills and nobody else? Given your narrative, why would any team ever consider trading out of the #2 pick they earned by being crappy?
  12. But if we give away the farm, whoever we pick will be awesome. It could be Rosen, Mayfield, Lalulealaleta, Falk, Keane or whoever. Pick 2 = incredible.
  13. You start with the premise of avoiding guys from crap programs then shift to advocating taking TWO from ND? Holy 180 Batman!
  14. If the word McShay didn't make you believe it and the fact it was about a team from NYC didn't, how did the guard talk tip the scales?
  15. Can you at least explain how our second pick is a nice sedan if we trade but it would have been a Yugo if we hadn't? I understand the denial of the probability that the Giants are taking a QB or at least don't want to move to 12. That is one of the seven stages. Remove the shoot and you have a nice description of Dave Krieg I mean Jay Clocker I mean Darnold.
  16. How did one of the Yugos turn into a sedan when we traded the four other Yugos? Was it magic? i mean seriously people are not rational. 4 of the first 5 picks are highly likely to be QB and it is almost equally unlikely that any of those spot holders is willing to trade. #4? Well if you're Cleveland you could get Barkley at 5 and a lot from Denver or you could move to 12 and get several more picks while you watch Barkley go to the HOF as a Colt. People crying about something that is simply out of our reach is just weird. It's like complaining about the sky being blue because your favorite color is yellow. And Roquan Smith is not a Yugo btw.
  17. It will suck to have 6 picks in the first three rounds. If only we could parlay them into two picks.
  18. It only takes one team thinking that so I'm guessing you'll be right. Personally I think he will suck badly so I hope the Jets get him. Or Miami.
  19. Nobody said it made sense. We just said it happened. Some people say Allen makes no sense either. That one dude doesn't even have him in the top 100. It is possible some teams have him as a non first rounder.
  20. Do you remember 2013? You don't recall all the Nassib talk? I understand you didn't agree with it and you were right, but are you really saying you don't remember it?
  21. Neither is Allen according to many. I'm not saying his upside is the same as Nassib's but his agent might just be paying talking heads.
  22. No thanks. I remember them. Some of it was Bills related with the Marrone connection. Google it if you must.
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