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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Actually he cannot move up because each of the top 3 teams will be selecting a QB. They control their picks and cannot be forced to trade by whiny whiners on a message board.
  2. It could not be more irrelevevant if it tried. 3 QBs are very probably gonen with the first three picks of the draft. The owners of those picks are not going to trade and the Bills are unable to just pick someone at 2 or 3 by pushing an opposing GM down the stairs to the stage. It doesn't matter what you want, what I want or the consensus of the board thinks. The do whatever it takes crowd and the kick the can crowd are both powerless, but the power of whining seems strong.
  3. Have LED bulbs made their way to Canada? If so, do the natives gather around them for heat? Do they get confused?
  4. I understand your second point. With respect to Manning.....Shirley you can't be serious. He is 37. They're taking a QB.
  5. Why would the Browns or Giants trade out if getting a QB is paramount?
  6. Maybe Goldschmidt is leaving the Dbscks after all.
  7. To you. And maybe to others as well. How about you let them decide?
  8. I inferred nothing. You stated it as fact. "Both are utterly unimpressive" is far different than something like "both have left me unimpressed". Your post implied that you are some sort of expert. I drew a comparison to how you felt about mega failure Tim Murray in an attempt to remind you that you could be wrong. I agree that there could/will be instances where you are right and Beane is wrong. I'm just saying I'd trust his judgement more over time.
  9. It was not a comment on the QBs. It was a comment about statements of fact. Given your stance on Tim Murray, you are clearly susceptible to error in judgement. Would you agree? NFL history is replete with guys being misjudged by professional scouts. My judgement of players is not relevant, nor IMO is yours. Beane's is relevant. I realize you want to trade up and feel this is ultra critical. I understand why. But you, and others in that camp, haven't even attempted to explain why picking a QB would be less ultra critical to NYG or Denver. It is living in a dream world. NYG are picking a QB if they think one is the goods. Period end of story and it has nothing to do with the Bills.
  10. Did you watch Tim Murray GM? The point is that nobody is right all of the time. Would you agree?
  11. Stated as fact. I remember how great Tim Murray was as a GM and anyone thinking otherwise was factually wrong.
  12. I'm not a QB freak but if they like one of these guys they shouldn't screw around and hope he drops to two, and open a door for the Pats. Just go with him at 22. And given we went out and paid Lotuleilalelo to play DT we might as well get Laluelaleletletta too.
  13. I agree with all of that but something else is even easier to figure out. if it is so hyper critical for the Bills to do "whatever it takes" to get a QB because that is what makes a franchise tick blah blah then why is it fine for the Giants to just pass one up? In some respects the guys screaming from the hilltops for a QB should be the ones to first realize that no amount of "draft capital" will get us to 2 if their very own logic is to be believed.
  14. Whoever is left. The Giants and Browns are both taking a QB.
  15. I hope the whining helps because if none of the teams at the top want to trade out we aren't legally allowed to steal their pick. But the whining will always be there like a Teddy Bear or a Blankie.
  16. He could March to a different drummer. Maybe he has always dreamt of going number 4 overall.
  17. Not sure, but clearly he owns a time machine and McD will find a way to use that.
  18. It's not my fault his name got screwed up at Ennis Island.
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