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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Shneidermanville. Edit:. Go to Google and type Scheiderman. The top story is entitled "Who will lead Trump resistance now that Schneiderman is out". If you think there would have been a similar story at all, much less top of page, 4-8 years ago had a Repub beat the crap out of women, I don't know what world you are living in. The Repub Senator that played bathroom stall footsie story went on for months. Scheiderman shutting down investigations into a sex cult is being peripherally covered by a newspaper from a backwater town and picked up by nobody.
  2. Losses in those games would put us in good tiebreaker position or at least neutral given the OP's theory that we beat Chi and Det.
  3. How on Earth is this piece of dirt even allowed to be aware of American political nominations much less have this request even entertained? WTF? And NYT enough with the "Mr. Mohammed" already.
  4. The rotary closed up. He goes to the Elks club now.
  5. You've seen a moth buzz? That's some crazy stuff right there.
  6. Do you realize you've written two pages in the "Crazy things you've seen" thread about a fish caught in a fish screen? I gotta party with you Lee Harvey. What's next? An entry about a housefly buzzing around a light bulb?
  7. Similar. I was southbound on a three lane hwy. First lane. Came up over a little hill and a dude was northbound in our 3rd lane. I realize closing speeds are and look faster when going opposite directions, but no way was this moron doing less than 100. No way. Scary as hell. Another crazy thing I've seen was on an Internet message board. Some dude said pot give immunity to disease. He went on and on about it for years.
  8. She is definitely a phony. It is no surprise she turned on Schneiderman. It would be equally unsurprising to find out that she had heard of his proclivities long ago. What would surprise me would be if she was connected to NXIVM. Would it surprise me if NXIVM had dirt on Schneiderman and others that prevented his office from taking action? Nope. Most of the links on this topic have been speculation and supposition but the one from Greggy above has some real stuff:
  9. Can't believe Bud Bundy stooped so low as to hang out with Brady. Honestly I think if the Pats lost a first round pick for Brady wearing that get up, Kraft would just nod his head and say "I get it Rodge".
  10. His statement said something about role playing. WTF was his "role"? Death threat guy?
  11. Gillibrand is a complete waste commie ditzy bimbo but the stuff on her is a giant nothing. I poked around a little. Her dad dropped these losers like a hot potato. Even if he hadn't..which he did....it's her dad, not her. As for the Clintons.... I have no doubt they could have taken money from this group. They would take money from anyone. I saw nothing indicating they had a clue who these people were. The Seagrams broads were just duped. It's sad. I didn't see anything that would have tipped this off to the Clintons. Roger Stone? Another whore who will take money from anyone. Same story. There is plennnnnnnnnnnnnnnty of dirt on the Clintons but I don't think this is anything.
  12. That link provided zero connection between Clinton and the cult. Do you have a better link?
  13. My hamster Sammy makes all sorts of noise about his cyber activity so who knows? Sammy is full of crap though. I have never seen him near a computer.
  14. I realize #1 picks aren't the same in hockey as football. The pick isn't/wasn't an issue to me. I'm mystified at how anyone could watch Lehner and think he is a viable option for any team. He is certainly capable of amazing individual saves and even games but he is as consistent as weather. Teams can't win long term with play like that. Add the volatile personality and it's just ridiculous.
  15. Do you think he will spend enough so we can have something better than a lumbering psychotic oaf?
  16. Our new GM came from the Pens. One would think he could have traded neck tattoo and something to them for Fleury. Neck tattoo could have gone to Vegas. Maybe all those interviews from golf courses are a hint at GMJB's work ethic. Don't get me wrong. Still superior to the last guy.
  17. You're correct that it is Mueller but on the left is Putin, in the middle is Manafort and the dude with the Sabres coat is a spy. If you read his lips he clearly says "I just peed on the bed. This can be verified easily because I ate lots of asparagus yesterday."
  18. Definitely a "slow" episode but I'm liking it. It's a good story they are telling so far.
  19. And The Stray Cats sucked too. I hate that guy and his stupid hair and dumb songs.
  20. It is as far from San Diego as you can get in the 48. Good move.
  21. At least we aren't just fiddling with our Talleywhacker.
  22. You should have taken the money. His love for Joesixpack might be a setup for bit chopping. The Pegulas aren't vetted and Joe is an easy mark.
  23. Watching actual plays is so unadvanced. You have to get smarter and look at the more advanced analytics. Don't ever watch. Analytics guys are like the geniuses in The Matrix who can watch numbers flow on a screen and tell you exactly what is going on. Thank God they're not just in baseball anymore. For years I thought Cal Ripken was a great player until the SABR metrics guys said he was meh. I can't wait to find out if Deandre Hopkins is as bad as Ripken or if Anthony Fasano is as great as Scott Hatteberg.
  24. Impressive. Definite TC contender.
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