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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Another friggin nail biter at the end. Please just fumble the kickoff or something.
  2. I think we’re currently better than about 6-7 NFL trams.
  3. D has to be tired. Can’t really fault them.
  4. QB fumbling handoffs or throwing picks……makes OC job tough.
  5. Idiot throw. Every time Allen says we’re good we’re good……we’re not good.
  6. This is becoming such a joke. Allen is playing like Zach Wilson.
  7. Lol Shakir wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide open but let’s blame Dorsey.
  8. Maybe if the fans buy him another hospital he’ll start putting in the work again.
  9. Is there any level of crappy he can achieve that will stop the excuse crap. He got lazy and it shows.
  10. Josh cruised the the off season and thought he could do it all on talent alone. He worked hard his hole life then turned lazy. He has probably/hopefully learned you can’t turn it on and off like a switch. Hopefully he’ll be back in 24 but 2023 is a year he wasted. He’ll cost several people their jobs.
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