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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. It might be a sad joke to you but if a couple of trillion dollars make a few thousand people feel like they are slightly curbing climate change, isn't it worth it? Who can put a dollar figure on human emotion?
  2. He knows ghoul Mueller is in the bag. Of course he is going to protect him.
  3. In one way it is the right thing to do, but I'm worried about the cap hit. And does anyone think he would sign, even for one day, with a team that doesn't have a QB?
  4. The more the better. Git r done. Stupid DTs don't matter anyway. It is a QB league.
  5. But JK, AR, BS, FJ, OJ, and many others were great.TT had mixed results.
  6. We cannot afford to keep any of our picks. We need to trade all of them to get a QB. This will ensure success.
  7. Stop using facts and please use more emotion. That way we can trade a thousand picks for either this guy, Dave Krieg part 2, a Lilliputian douche bag or the frail offspring of two ice dancers. All of these things guarantee success.
  8. Not sure if this has been mentioned but Zuckerberg is there to run an age old scam. He wants to be regulated because he can afford to be regulated. It will be much harder for a new platform that might compete with Facebook to incur the associated costs. Standard Oil part 243,961. But this is worse because it potentially limits how people can say what they want to say. The old school Robber Barons were just stealing money and power, and a slice of a market. Tech savvy Mark and his puppet masters are stepping it up a notch. Now Zuck, whose product started because he couldn't get laid and evolved into one that has live broadcasts of the mentally disabled being held captive and beaten will help us define hate speech while ensuring privacy? Cool.
  9. I'm not saying Donald is undeserving, but are there more than 50 people in the world who haven't received a mega deal from the Rams at this point?
  10. All small markets teams always overpay or get useless players like Poyer. Every move by NE, Dallas and now the Rams is brilliant. That is a summary of ESPN for at least the last 10 years and at least the next 10.
  11. Is it the wrong time for the Giants to take a franchise QB? Because lollipops?
  12. At the end of the movie Wallace allowed the King's men to chop him into little bits. Sound familiar? I'm glad I played some small part in helping you dodge that. Realizing that 2+2+2 is never going to equal 117 is not being cowardly. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I want a QB!!!! isn't really cowardly per se, but it is a bit childish and tiresome.
  13. While I agree that Braveheart was a great movie and I agree that simple math makes a trade up almost impossible, I think the OP ignores the opposing side. They also lean on a cinematic great for their advanced logic. His name is Larry, the Duke of Wiring and he says the Bills must Git'r Done.
  14. I agree it s ridiculous but seek to clarify your position. For years you bristled at any criticism of Murray while you have been one of the people whining about Beane not defying the laws of math. Are you saying the OP hasn't gone far enough?
  15. I think the Tweet in the OP is literally from his mom.
  16. 8>2 and 12>10. Assuming Beane was simply asleep is a denial of simple math.
  17. Is that in English? I don't get what you are trying to say.
  18. Lol. If you believe Beane hasn't been looking closely at QB prospects since 5 minutes aft he got here I don't know what to say. The Colts, knowing the Jets want a QB effectively moved below only the Browns and Broncos. Two spots for three second round picks. With the Bills the effective cost would have been 8 spots. Beat us to the punch lololololololol. Be realistic. Never said we shouldn't try. I'm just realistic about the chances while you're whining illogically.
  19. Whaaaaaaaaaah The OP is risk averse and entitled to his opinion. You are entitled as well. But over and over you keep saying if we don't get a "top QB" that Beane has made a mistake. Reality is that there simply isn't a realistic opportunity at all. Denying reality = Whaaaaaaaaah
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