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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Mullahs watching CNN and commenting on Twitter. Geopolitics is stupider than most episodes of Rocky and Bullwinkle. Let's see if they can go full Canadian and get dumber than Dudley do right.
  2. Huh? Pointing out that something is insanely stupid isn't shifting an argument. It's dismissing one.
  3. I think it was Manafort and only 5 people knew. And he man slaughtered them.
  4. Broken tail lights huh? There haven't been any other issues?
  5. Yes he could. And if the rest of the process played out properly, both EOs would be shot down. Read the law. Either EO gets shot down or all families released into the US in 20 days. Then go to a Google and look up "Ohio egg farm" for a little fun light reading.
  6. What he did today usurped the law. Now what will happen is the left will try to e force the law saying kids can't be held for 20 days and force release into the US.
  7. I see what you are getting at with that gif but WHY did the Jews turn Eddie Murphy's ear yellow?
  8. Wow. Impressive use of physics. The photo dude also has a completely different face than Osama. And I can't wrap my head around why, if the did a facial transplant, that Ossman chose to look like Osama instead of looking like Travolta or Nick Cage. Any thoughts?
  9. Col Ossman was a proctologist in Seinfeld.Great episode.
  10. I'll take something unstable people would say for $500 Alex.
  11. They will spout how he needs to follow the law by not detaining children because they are no longer unaccompanied, which means they will demand they simply be allowed into the country. They are quite literally advocating a borderless country/world.
  12. I agree. Why not root for the best? It seems he has an uphill climb, ,but if makes it he will be better for the effort.
  13. There are many roots and almost all of them fake giving a crap about the individuals involved. And by individuals I mean both the migrants and the US citizens that may be directly or indirectly harmed by their migration. In fact the main root to all of this on either side is that individuals are yet again defined as part of a group. Granted some of that is done because of volume and legitimate expediency, but if we're being honest most of it is done in an effort to exploit to an end.
  14. Plus it is a long swim from anywhere to New Zealand. What has Ardern done to make sure the Salvadoran kids aren't drowning?
  15. People other than college pukes contribute to the economy you know. The whole thing blows: Press: "Oh these poor oppressed people." BS. If these same people were clinging to their bibles and guns or could not be exploited to expand programs the press would hate them. Schumer and company: Never have and never will give crap one about these individuals. The only benefit is to make their opponents look bad. Chamber of commerce: Yay free labor for us. Who cares about costs to others filtered through the government? Countries of origin: WTF Smugglers: Nice work taking people's entire wealth to sneak them in and then go back and get another batch. Who cares if they die along the way or get turned back as long as we get paid. Gangs and other criminals coming in: Watering down the story of people who may legitimately have list all hope and headed for the border. Muddy the waters in hopes that weak minded US politicians will throw up their hands and let everyone in. Phonies abound and the people truly in need have no true voice at all.
  16. Heck anywhere. Lefties love helping other nations develop capitalist systems that actually work.
  17. Bald spot but with wiry hair rendering combover impossible. Maybe he was motivated by jealousy and not politics.
  18. Bingo. We could start by supporting a fight against communists in El Salvador. The left would support that I'm sure.
  19. If only their governments weren't corrupt and had properly implemented communism everything would be awesome. Jail or deport gang members? What if the swallow their membership cards when they are in line for their interviews? How will we know?
  20. Elitist. The poop one is true for him because he only eats all of that fancy Hollywood food. Does anyone think that would work for Beerboy and his gut full of Kraft Mac and Cheese? These FACTS destroy his credibility and render the rest of his arguments useless.
  21. So if he simply decided not to enforce the first law then there would be no need to enforce the second law?
  22. You know what I find repulsive? When people have it plainly shown to them how the government is horrifically corrupt to the point where the top agency in the Justice Department is doing what it can to elect the most status quo candidate in history and whine about Trump's ethics. It it can be argued that every candidate from the slate of early primaries represented the status quo with two exceptions:. Trump and Sanders. The DNC delegate selection process doomed Sanders from the start and he still put a major scare in Hillary. Trump and his basket of deplorables easily beat most of the Republican field and had too much momentum for Cruz, Lazio and the Guy from Ohio who wanted to lose to Hillary. Voters clearly wanted out from under the real deplorables. Can anyone deny that the system needed a shakeup? I just don't see how. It can certainly be argued that Trump isn't the best choice to do that. But Sanders, a commie, was the only other available choice unless you want to make an argument for Cruz. And in in all of this you find LA repulsive because he chuckles at the circumstances? Ok. It makes some sense I guess because you looked the other way from the NBA status quo even when I told you the next four champions had been decided and who they would be, and how they would win......and then it all played out.
  23. Do you have a link about the many families that went to legal ports of entry and sought asylum?
  24. Lol at Menendez standing back there on the moral high ground.
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