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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. In principle this is exactly right. It may be difficult in practice. For instance, people are wildly fooling themselves if they think Denver is not taking a QB. The only chance is if three are gone and they QBs are gone before the Colts are on the clock.
  2. The millions upon millions of people born into the last few generations of South Koreans are probably glad you weren't in charge. You know because they haven't been enslaved and stuff.
  3. Okey dokey. But if communism is such a crap system then why are you 100% consistent in wanting power moving toward, not away from a centralized government in every opinion you give?
  4. Are you saying that in1980 the brilliant geniuses voted for Carter while the morons went with Reagan? Imagine our world if the geniuses had just won our in that one.
  5. Always better to play them early before they get their cheating tapes.
  6. Looks like Rambo preparing for a night out at the Blue Oyster.
  7. As long as we trade as many picks as possible, the new QB will be absolutely awesome. This chick Pauline says we are almost there.
  8. Thanks for the detailed analysis. Did it take too long to say "Todd McShay likes Allen"?
  9. I get it but disagree on the Eli part. He doesn't need to be all the way done for them to target a franchise QB if we are applying this board's rules. He is 38. He is certainly almost done. If you're telling me the Giants absolutely love Davis Webb then ok. They simply can't think they can go from number 31 in the league, subtract JPP and build a contender around Eli before it is too late for him. If they do, they are dumb. I completely agree on Barkley & the Bills. No way.
  10. I avoided radon dates but sometimes it was hard to tell. The stuff is odorless and whether the chick was rich, poor or anywhere in between, radon was possible wherever she grew up. By by the second or third date I usually brought a testing kit. Weird that this came up because I thought I was the only one afraid of this. I'm not a germaphobe but radon? I avoid that.
  11. GOAT kicker is correct but not exactly for the reasons you cite. If we define GOAT as being capable of doing everything perfectly at their position, we end up with kicker as all other positions have far more dependencies. RB depends on OL even if capable of breaking every run. WR on QB and OL. DE on surrounding positions and on and on. The perfect kicker is capable of kicking 106 yard and under FGs with 100% accuracy and depends only on routine execution from OL, LS and holder. An OL's job of avoiding blocked kicks is easier than pass protection or opening holes. Holder and LS are a dime a dozen. EVERY drive all year ending in at least 3 points equals championships and a lot of them. This really can't be argued.
  12. Not sure why the insult but the rest of your post is something I understand, but I don't agree with all of it. All the QB talk is near unanimous on here except when it is inconvenient for fans wishful thinking. "You never pass up a franchise QB", "Only trade up for a QB", "Do whatever it takes" etc. when it comes to the Bills but all of that goes out the window when it is the Giants. If Barkley is a generational talent for the Giants, then he is for almost every team in the league, including the Bills. If not, the Giants should pass on him because there are quite a few very good RBs they could get later. Similarly, if there is truly a franchise QB available at 2, there is no way the Giants should ever pass on him.....if you take the franchise QB rhetoric from this site as gospel. Give me a break with Eli. He is 100 years old. The same exact thing happened to his far superior brother. And the Giants "getting a premium" doesn't make sense either. If any two teams make a trade, it means they both value the components as being equal or at least very close. A team like the Browns at 4, assuming they took a QB at 1, the Colts who still see their Emperor's clothes as beautiful, the Bucs , Bears, Niners and probably Raiders could swap out of their pick. They all have young QBs who are solid and/or have major upside. That said, that team would have to settle for 12 and pass up guys like Barkley, Chubb and others. The Giants, Jets, Browns at 1 and Broncos make no sense at all given the QB gospel. That would mean it either it is only gospel for us, or we could trade up to get QB5....maybe even stand pat if we get lucky....or we need to target the 4 very heavily with the realistic notion that 3 QBs would already be gone. I do agree that in no scenario should we trade up for Barkley.
  13. And yet many of the wishful thinkers are saying the Giants will pass on a QB for Barkley. It's laughable.
  14. If a big two team trade happens....any two teams with one of them being top 5.....all these doofusses have to say is that the larger crazier deal almost happened but fell through. IMO this crap doesn't even rise to the level of rumor. They have to give at least one specific thing. That said I heard a rumor that a Hollywood star will soon bet getting a divorce and it will be shocking.
  15. Can we call this a "sub rumor" or perhaps crap since no specifics on anything have been offered? If anything at all happens at the top of the draft these morons can simply say they told us so. It is as lame as can be. I've heard a rumor about future political turmoil, a famous person having a salacious affair and a terrorist attack looming in a big city. If one of those things happen can I be considered a world renowned expert?
  16. Well that's informative but whoever she is I wouldn't draft her and I certainly wouldn't trade up. OTOH maybe she would attract Gronk.
  17. There hasn't been a player the Bills were more certain to select since Casey Matthews and Brian Leonard.
  18. Haven't you been reading the board? Don't you understand the that the more we give up, the more we will get? All our picks this year, our first next year and our first and second in 2020 will ensure Josh Allen will go from not being able to hit water from a boat to not being able to miss Canton.
  19. On the draft trade chart you have to pay double for that action Cotton.
  20. Not sure what it is about him but ever since the"Clear" episode I just find him to be the most interesting character. It doesn't hurt that James is just so damn good. I liked the the fear episode. Both new characters have strong potential.
  21. Does this mean Jackson will have to work at Wegman's before he gets a chance to play?
  22. All the more reason to trade away all our picks. If Payton liked these guys then we should pick a linebacker.
  23. How can the stupid NFL network call something a "rumor" without quantifying it in any way? It's all just stupid.
  24. I'm guessing the Colts may value 2019 picks a bit more than expected/other teams. They have the 6 pick and three seconds already this year. Just a guess but if they truly want to move down again, they might desire adding one this year and one next to diversify a bit. That would give them 5 picks in the first two rounds this year and 5 next. I'd still be surprised if they passed up Chubb/Barkley if there. Maybe they could get a guy like Smith at 12 but they would be afraid of Miami at 11, no?
  25. Ok guys in this next drill get down on one knee. If you're still taller than Baker Mayfield raise your hand.
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