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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Is that the one where Edward Norton killed the priest then turned into Hannibal Lechter?
  2. What is actually going on now: FBI is refusing to show congress what they need to see. Congress is willingly going along with what should be an outrage. The Dems and their cohorts in the press are spinning like crazy to keep focus on the ridiculous Russia and porno stuff, not to ultimately do anything about it, because they know it is fake, but to buy time. The IG and any possibly honest brokers in this process are tied up in red tape strong enough to hold down every dinosaur in Jurrasic World. The few Republicans whose goal is actually to get to the truth are being slandered or are about to be. The few crazy Dems urging protests in restaurants and homes will fizzle out in the next few weeks. The majority of Republicans are behind the scenes with the majority of Democrats hammering out who gets what and how much. You know what nobody among the real culprits will actually get: punished. If this whole thing was ever going to work it would be done already.
  3. The second Comey was appointed to "investigate" Hillary I knew and wrote that she would be protected. They all said he was above reproach but just looking at him it was easy to see he is a lapdog. Awan got mortgage fraud or some crap for stealing all of that information? And now Hillary is starting her campaign? Page 10 my ass. It is good that some details were exposed for people willing to look at the corruption and the human trafficking stuff is as well, but the bad guys are sealing up the exposures and getting back to business.
  4. Letting Awan off with NOTHING at the same time Hillary starts yapping tells you the status of the war. The good guys, as few of them as there are and as hard as they fought, lost.
  5. Sorry dude but that broom you heard was this being swept under the rug.
  6. Her actions tell us that the IG and all the other Comey like lap dogs have already assured her that she can still do anything she wants. Disgustingly but predictably, nothing going anywhere.
  7. It's not a huge deal but superstition is not exactly mental toughness. Eichel needs to have a good year. Is he feeling the pressure? Time to be THE leader Jack, a better change to the jersey would have been to earn and add a C.
  8. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but let's face it, they do not have the physical or mental capacity to commit felonies.
  9. Lol at the accusation of bias in favor of northeastern schools. When all of those disgusting things happened at Penn State, there were people on here crying foul at the treatment of poor old JoPa in a similarly creepy way to your obsession with Alabama. They too were met with refutations that they just could not grasp.
  10. Why oh why have you limited that phrase to us until now? There is a whole planet of them out there. Take that thing global B word.
  11. There isn't a person on Earth who is all bad or all good, so no he is not all bad. His choice of political beliefs is bad . Too bad he didn't find a capitalist girlfriend to tell him what to do.
  12. Even with a time machine set back 65 years, Poojer might pass on that.
  13. Are you really deflecting this Patriots topic to a three year old Bronco story? That's sad dude. Don't let your love of a football team define you.
  14. If he is mad about Mrs. WEO imagine how upset he gets when hisPatsare in town and they are selling those "Brady is a Lady" t-shirts.
  15. The prick wasted a whole day of the arbitrator's time whining. He should get an extra game. How does thing take a whole day? Roid up and lawyer up. What a douche.
  16. Now I want your Pats to take him just to see how you spin it.
  17. The Michelle Bachman filet show. That was a good one. Fancy feats with boneless meats.
  18. Term limits won't solve that. You have to be groomed before receiving the medallion to run for anything in either party. Especially when one of those Glade plugin things now costs $150k.
  19. Ok sorry dude. Seriously. I love baseball and lots of people hate it and call it boring. Most of their arguments are borne in lack of understanding of the game. I don't know a lot about soccer so maybe I'm guilty of the same thing, but if all the fans are complaining about something completely legal, then shouldn't a rule be changed like college hoop did? No shot clock in college hoop made it a hopelessly flawed pile of crap.
  20. Seattle Mariners throwforwards. Worse than bumblebees.
  21. Elite? I know you don't mean Drunken Donut. Not too many elite anythings get bombed and run over Tim Horton's.
  22. When the underlying sport is a hopelessly flawed pile of crap, this type of thing happens. College hoop before a shot click times 100.
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