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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Almost as far off as your take that 82-80 was somehow proof of the Yankees being good due to some oddball .500 streak. Spoiler alert: they stunk. Do you watch baseball or just the Yankees? The A’s never had fans??? Shirley. Without even going into the glory days any actual baseball fan will remember the raucous crowds they had with their marginal playoff teams not all that long ago. Their big “star”? Coco. Crisp. Yet somehow the house was packed and rocking. If you were making this claim about the Rays, I get it. Rays and A’s rhyme so maybe you’re just making a mistake???? Sadly, IMO, with a lot of water under the bridge, the state of 2020’s Oakland, the run down stadium an other factors, moving to Vegas is probably the right move. It’s still sad though. And none of that, even when combined with ignorant fan bases of “marquee” teams, erases what the Oakland A’s and their fan base once were.
  2. Great fans and history….agreed……but Oakland itself isn’t what it once was. And that stadium……..yikes. Not saying greed isn’t part of this mix, but it’s not all greed.
  3. Is being completely out of tune a requirement?
  4. It’s not at all what I expected. It’s a big time bummer.
  5. Then the Phillies lost in the NLCS. I’ve heard on this very board that anything other than a championship indicates complete and utter failure. We need a better plan. Maybe if we buy him a hospital he’ll get motivated. Oh, wait.
  6. It’s prep work for the hero worshippers in case the departure of other scapegoats don’t result in Josh’s game improving. It is Diggs addition to a list already including Dorsey, McD, Beane, Pegula, Davis, the o line, Tre White, Miller, Harty, and probably a few others that “must go” so Josh can save us.
  7. Just a chant? Shirley he is worth higher forms of worship, no?
  8. Let’s stick to finding 100 or so people to blame for Allen’s failures in this thread. If you want to talk about the French Revolution, start a thread about it.
  9. He made his own problems but in a way I feel bad for him too. How many times in the off season will he innocently ask a massage therapist to rub his glenoid and then he’ll get sued for it?
  10. Have you considered that it’s simply easier to blame everyone else? Not sure but aren’t those restricted/pee tested? Lol it’s literally a picture of Allen dropping the ball and everyone else getting blamed. It’s a perfect summary.
  11. Says the guy in the crowd hailing the emperor.
  12. Like that little girl ruined the debut of the Emereror’s new clothes. All hail the emperor.
  13. Lol now it’s the owner’s fault. Hero worship is a weeeeeeeeeeeird thing. The Josh apologists are really juiced up on the kool-aid. Ok after we ditch White, Davis,, Poyer, Hyde, McD, Beane, and Pegula who is next? Goodell? The Pope? I mean, we know Josh is perfect so we can’t possibly expect him to even make the tiniest of changes.
  14. Eichole brought a lot on himself. Josh is nowhere near the level of Jack in terms of lack of redeeming traits. Eichole had none. Josh has them. What is he a kindergartner? He needs a new coach to “inspire him” to work? He needs to grow up.
  15. Also see: The Emperor has incredibly stylish new clothes.
  16. And yet the best you can do is cite a theoretical example from last year?
  17. I asked for a specific leadership example. If you can’t provide one then just don’t. Don’t pretend to know about all the super secret leadership traits he exhibits behind closed doors but never on the field. Allen is not solely to blame but absolving him with the hero worship crap is pathetic. Oooooooooh…..the coaches ruined him……give me a break. Have you noticed that every time Allen says “we’re good we’re good”……we’re not good?
  18. The fan base literally bought the QB a hospital and he didn’t bother to put in work in the off season.
  19. He hasn’t been a leader. Sorry. Is he the best player? Talent wise yes. Playing wise sometimes. But leaders pick up slack when things are going wrong. Josh creates slack. Leaders shake off failure and rebound. Josh has done none of that. When was the last time you saw him on the sideline rallying the team or an individual teammate? Can you name something difficult a leader does that you’ve seen Josh do this year? One thing? And no, saying “I have to play better” in the post game does not count as difficult. He needs to grow up.
  20. Was the 12 men on the field just to rub it in? It’s literally cruel. Mean. There are too many coaches and players who cleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeearly do not care.1% of the amount each of us does. Personally I blame a lot of them. I don’t excuse Allen like so many here do, but it’s obviously not only him. But…….even with all of that……we have 12 men on the field…….even with that…….why does Lutz have to miss it just to rub it in? That’s just too much.
  21. We needed to be using our timeouts before now.
  22. It’s not “on the d” no matter what happens.
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