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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. He leaves the b out of dumbass, you add a d to averse. Can't we all just get along?
  2. 1. Get film hub 2. Sign Harvey Weinstein on the cheap 3. ????????? 4. Profit
  3. Not inclusive enough. What did indigo ever do to you?
  4. Well, at least non-white cycling seems to be on the rise.
  5. Wow does not begin to cover it. To focus on just one of the dangerous things going on, I will pick what I view as the simplest to decipher and judge. A man was arrested on the street, tried convicted and sentenced within a matter of hours and somehow that isn't the worst part of the event. The press has been banned from reporting on it. That is worse and if it doesn't change, other parts of that society will crumble quickly. There are no mental gymnastics that can explain this ban and frankly no reporter in a free society that should abide by it. Every single reporter in England should immediately write a story about it and every paper and newscast should be wall to wall coverage of it until the court backs down and lifts the ban. If they comply with this ban, they are simply not reporters, they are worker bees. I hadn't heard the name Tommy Robinson until the other day. My opinion on this has nothing to do with him. The same opinion would apply to a reporting ban on anyone's arrest and trial for anything. I hate soccer, ugly teeth scare me and people with snooty fake accents are not my favorites so I usually avoid thinking about England, but I'll be very interested to see if a pro-Robinson, anti-Robinson or neutral reporter breaks this ban. IMO it is their duty.
  6. Don't let him bore you all the way back to your normal tasks because if you can refrain picking the lint from your navel for a really long time it will turn into a diamond. #resist
  7. I never thought of Gowdy as having fallen off the turnip truck, but if he is buying that Mueller isn't just flat going after Trump, then he fell of the turnip truck.
  8. Sugar Ray didn't beat Duran. Higgs Boson made that happen.
  9. Well spoken and thought provoking, but even curtailed freedoms should be codified. I'd suggest: We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their geographic concentration of Muslims with a high percentage of mutable rights which exclude discussion of sex trafficking........ you can take it from there.
  10. Higgs Boson fallacy is making a big deal about something really tiny.
  11. You have clearly committed a Higgs Boson fallacy here.
  12. That one player's last name describes every Tim Murray move. All you have to do is add an "s" as the second letter and an "er" at the end.
  13. Dude. I can't charge what I do without complete discretion. I still get royalty checks daily from chicks because they had midnight fantasies about Beerboy. Can you even wrap your brain around how much effort goes into setting up an operation like that and how much discretion is required?
  14. I have generated a highly encrypted code name for you much like I have done for my female clientele over the years. I am doing this pro bono. Your code name is TreggyG and it will keep you safe. Intersting side note: the code names for the broads were also free for a while but I had to start charging because every time I said"pro bono" things got a little crazy.
  15. Lol unless a lefty engages in the awful behavior. Then we should just look the other way. Everything passes except a mock severed presidential head. No wonder Kathy was surprised. Roseanne and "classy" are rarely used in the same sentence and her words were unnecessary and very crass. Except for the part about Jarret being a commie. That's true.
  16. Oh it's happening sweetheart. She's already running in case you hadn't noticed.
  17. I find white, black, brown, male, female, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and all other cyclists equally and monumentally annoying.
  18. Sorry dude but that ship sailed for you when you discussed Dresden with Kurt Goedel.
  19. I'll take things a racist says for $500 Alex.
  20. I hate the Bruins more than any hockey team and hate several individuals from over the years. I don't really care about the Celtics either way and am also indifferent to the Sox. I do hate the constant Yankee/Red Sox press in a sport that has had so many ignored intriguing teams in the last 15 years, but I blame the press, not the Sox or Yanks.
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